Assalamualaikum warhamtullahi wabarkatuh my dear brothers and sisters. Today we will discuss with you those measures, by simply following which you can easily find true love or soulmate. Hope the remedies suggested by your brother will be very useful for you.
I have studied the Quran deeply to solve all your confusion as the Quran has a solution to every problem. I aim to remove darkness from your life and give happiness in the form of light. Allah also wants the same. Also recite Effective Dua For Marriage Problems.
First of all, you need to understand the Dua, only then you can take advantage of it. If you believe in Dua and Allah, only then you can get success from this article. If you do not believe in Dua, then you should not read this article and should leave it here. Also recite Powerful Dua To Get What You Want.
I will not confuse you, whatever I will tell you, I will tell you very clearly, but you have to follow it.
Let’s talk about one important thing which will benefit you a lot. Some time ago, a sister came to us and asked me a question whether Dua works, if is there any such Dua which is for true love, then I asked her if you do not know whether Dua works or not, then the sister told me that I read Dua for many days but I did not get any result. Also, recite Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
So I asked the sister about her problem and the sister told me the whole problem then I asked her which dua you have read, and she told me the name of the dua, I told her that you had read the wrong dua, how can the dua give you the result. Also, recite dua to create love in someone’s heart.
(this is a common thing, if you have to reach your destination then you will go through the right path, if you go through the wrong path then how will you reach the destination) then I told the dua to the sister and said that read this dua for 3 days, you would get the result in 3 days. Also, recite dua for love marriage.
Then the same thing happened, the sister got the result in 3 days, and that sister was convinced that yes the dua works I told the sister some important points and some steps and I will mention below the article and I will also mention the dua which I told. You should also recite Dua To Find a Soulmate In Islam.
Allah is giving full respite to the enemies of the Truth, for He is “Forgiving and Merciful.
5 Important Benefits of Performing “Dua For True Love”
There are many benefits of this dua but I will tell you some important benefits which you can realize in your real life. You also recite Powerful Surah For Love Back.
- After doing this dua you will get true love, and it will be in a halal way.
- The lover you will get will marry you and he will love you like this for your entire life.
- This prayer is taken from the book of the Quran and it will be mentioned below which prayer it is and on which page of Quran it is.
- After this your future problems will be removed and your health will remain good.
- This prayer will protect your relationship from evil eyes and Satan ( devil ).

What Is The Importance Of Love In Once Life
Are you also looking for such love? Do you also want to have someone with whom you can share your happiness and sorrow?
Do you want to be in a relationship with someone? Then you need to follow up on this whole article. And make this Dua, Wazifa, or Surah which you have to do to Allah, Allah unites two people if prayer is done in the right way. Also, recite dua for forgetting someone.
Love is a part of our life that also helps us to run our lives properly. If love is not there in life, then life is like a mortal. Life without love cannot be imagined. All of us are always looking for a person in our life who will love us with a true soul which is beyond physical love.
Help us move forward, guide us between right and wrong, and remove the emptiness of our life. Hours pass while talking, but time is not known to them, every person deserves such love in his/her life and you also might be thinking when will I get my true love when I will meet my soulmate who will love me extremely without any reason.
Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua
By looking at this graph you will know how much importance prayer has, and this graph wants to show how many people’s work has been completed through this prayer.

The Motive of Dua For Find Your True Love Soulmate
The main motive of this article is to give you the desired results in quick succession. So today I’m going to talk about Powerful dua to find true love or soulmate. So follow up on this article and read it carefully till last as this article will change your whole life. Also, recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
And give you the result beyond your expectations. Inshallah. In this article, we are going to talk about surah, Wazifa, and Dua to love back in Islam and to find soulmates in Islam in a proper halal way. We always give solutions in the Halal way.
It may take time but according to me, there is no shortcut to success. So give time to be successful in anything rather than doing Haram work.
Because if you do any kind of Haram work then Almighty Allah will never Forgive You. So try to neglect the haram work. You will succeed in getting your love back if you keep your faith in Almighty Allah and your brother. You also recite Fabulous Surah To Make your Husband Love You.
Dua And Procedure For Love And Soulmate
How do I perform Dua to get my love? If you want to perform this dua in a proper halal way and according to Islam. Then you can read dua with the following steps. These steps help you to get proper blessings from Almighty Allah.
Step No.1 | Take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes ( wudu means ablution) |
Step No.2 | Before starting this dua to get accepted soon, Perform “Durood shrif“9 times ( means salaatun nabi ) . |
Step No.3 | Recite the Dua Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) 33 times. |
Step No.4 | Now recite Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa. |

Again, repeat the “Durood shrif ” and with complete faith, beg Allah (SWT) to bless you with love or your soulmate soon.
Recite Salallahu Alayhi Wassalam 5 times (Blessing On Messenger) Chant for your sins by saying Astaghfirullah 3 times.
Note: Follow this process for 3 days continuously to get fruitful outcomes from this dua. If you want results in very quick succession then contact our Maulana Gulfaam Ali by hitting the WhatsApp icon.
Powerful Dua For True Love
What dua is for finding a partner? The dua for finding a partner is “Dua for true love”. You can make this dua to find true love in Islam.
Many of my readers use this dua to ask Allah for someone you love madly. If any of my brothers and sisters want their crush to fall in love with them. Then they can recite this powerful and effective dua. If you want to get someone to love you in Islam, then you can read this dua with the following steps.
- Make a fresh ablution. (wuzu),
- Read Durood Sharif 11 times,
- Just after that Read this Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa.
- Now after dua, you again have to read Durood Sharif 7 times,
- At Last pray to Allah for helping me to find true love for me.
These steps help you to perform your dua in a proper halal manner. So that you will get proper blessings from Almighty Allah.
7 Important Points For Wazifa And Procedure For Love And Soulmate
- Make a fresh ablution.(wuzu).
- Before starting this Wazifa to get accepted soon, Perform “Durood-e-Pak“9 times and chant the beautiful Allah’s name.
- Recite the Wazifa Surah Al-Anfal (8:63): 11 times.
- Wa allafa baina quloobihim; law anfaqta maa fil ardi jamee’am maaa allafta baina quloobihim wa laakinnallaaha allafa bainahum; innaahoo ‘Azeezun Hakeem.
- Again, repeat the “Durood-e-Pak,” and with complete faith, beg Allah (SWT) to bless you. with love or your soulmate soon.
- Recite Salallahu Alayhi Wassalam 6 times(Blessing On Messeneger).
- Chant for your sins by saying Astaghfirullah 3 times.
Surah For Your True Love And True Soulmate
What surah makes someone fall in love with you? The Surah that makes someone fall in love with you is given below step by step. These steps help you to make your prayer in a proper halal manner. So that you will get results quickly in just three days. You also recite Wazifa For Love Marriage In Islam.
- Cleanliness is a must so make a fresh Ablution (Wuzu)
- Recite Durood Shareef 13 times.
- Recite Durood -A-Pak for 9 times.
- Recite Ya Wadudu (Allah’s beautiful name ) 6 times.
- O Allah please help me and listen to my prayer as soon as possible, I am folding my hands in front of you.
Frequently Ask Questions And Answers
Is These Prayers Effective For Non-Muslim Readers?
Yes because Almighty Allah is the father of everyone. Islam gives directions to everyone who believes in Islam. So no need to be worried whether you are a Muslim or not but the thing is to follow every step as it is mentioned for good results.
How To Ask Almighty Allah For A Soulmate?
You can get in touch with Almighty Allah with the help of Dua, Wazifa, and Surah. By performing these prayers you will be able to convey your message to the Almighty Allah. And if your intentions and heart are pure then he will bless you with your desires for sure.
Do These Prayers Work In Finding A Soulmate?
These prayers are the best as they were derived from the holy Book Quran. These prayers helped lots of my brothers and sisters across the globe in the past. So these will be beneficial for you also. But you have to follow every process as it is mentioned above with the prayer.
The final words to summarize this article is that try to perform these Dua, Surah, or Wazifa in the right way as per the mentioned to achieve success in finding your true love or soulmate and your intentions must be pure and your belief in Almighty Allah is genuine.
If you are performing these Dua, Surah, or Wazifa with wrong intentions or with negativity then this article is going to be useless. So try to perform it in the right way and with the right choices. And for any query or assistance get in contact with