Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You in 3 days

Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You

As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my brothers and sisters, present out here. Today we are going to talk about effective and powerful dua for someone to come back to you in 3 days, which is brought by your brother in a proper halal way.

Are you in search of a dua that help you to get someone back in your life? If yes, then you are in the right place. Because this dua will give you the person you want for a sure and very short period. So read this whole article carefully don’t skip any of the steps and keep in mind to follow all the instructions for the best results.

According to Islam love is pure feelings and if we fall in love then we have to be caring and protective towards our partner. And you have to save your relationship at any cost. As we all know fights take place in every relationship but it doesn’t mean you have to break your relationship as it is haram according to Islam.

If he/she left you, then you must bring him/her back. so that’s why today I brought this powerful dua for someone to come back to you. But you have to perform this dua with pure intentions and fully believe in Almighty Allah. You should recite Wazifa For Love Marriage In Islam.

Recommendation Before You Start Dua For Someone To Come Back To You

  • While performing this dua keep in mind that your intentions must be pure.
  • The Quran does not support any act performed with impure intentions or negative thoughts.
  • Dua to Get Someone Special in Your Life will give you fruitful results only when you have complete faith in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).
  • Sit in the Direction facing towards Kaaba while performing this Dua.
  • Your motive behind this dua should be, to achieve your love and preferably marry that person.
  • Don’t use any Shirk and Black magic. perform all these Duas in the proper Islamic Halal Way.
  • If you make any mistakes while performing this Dua, say “Astaghfirullah” 9 times and Start the Dua again.

Benefits of Performing Dua Or Wazifa To Get Someone Back in Your Life

  • Dua or wazifa to get Someone back in your Life is wholeheartedly halal. There are no negative effects.
  • If you do any dua or wazifa with a pure heart and fully believe in Almighty Allah, then in a few days, you will get your desired results.
  • All these wazifa and dua are driven from the holy Quran Paak, so they go straight to Allah (SWT) so that your lover will get back to you for sure.
  • The effect of these wazifa and dua will live long, and neglect the chances of a fight between you and your partner.
  • You can perform this dua or wazifa for your husband or wife.
  • Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) once said “Dua changes fate if done with a sincere heart.”
Dua Or Wazifa To Get Someone Back in Your Life
Dua Or Wazifa To Get Someone Back in Your Life

Why Is Someone You Love Is Not With You?

The one whom you love and this question comes into your mind that the one whom you loved so much is not with you today and you are ready to die for him but he is not happy even after talking to you, It is a simple one. You should recite Powerful Surah For Love Back.

The only solution is that nothing happens without the will of Allah but still, you want to get it from Allah and give him a chance or you have committed some mistake which you want to correct, for this let me tell you such a prayer which will help you. If you love him, he/she will come back to your life.

Precautions To Follow While Performing “Dua For Someone To Come Back To You”

  • Sisters skip this dua on their mensurational days (Periods).
  • Keep all the negativity away from your mind and heart while doing this dua.
  • keep everything confidential (secret) until your dua is accepted.
  • Do recite this dua in a low-pitched voice that no one can hear.
  • If you do not see the effects of prayers in that case you can contact us.

If You Follow 9 Rules Then You Will Not Have Any Problem In Dua

If you read this dua correctly then you can get many benefits.

  • It tells you the steps for Dua to love back which I have already mentioned.
  • You have to read this Dua for 3 days.
  • The only common challenge for you is to read this Dua for 3 days no matter how.
  • Girls should take special care not to read this Dua during periods.
  • While praying or before reciting the dua, you should think about whether you will be able to complete the dua or not, if you are unable to do so, then tell Maulana ji,
  • Whenever you recite the dua, before that remember to say Ya Waddu 1010 times,
  • While dua, your intention should be pure and the name of the person for whom you are praying should be in your mind,
  • The role of Durood Sharif in the dua is quite enough, I tell you that Durood Sharif is the messenger of Allah, if you recite Durood Sharif, then Allah will hear you soon,
  • If you recite this dua for your husband, then he will also come back.

Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life 

Do you want the person you love to come back into your life? And this time if she comes back, she will stay with you for the rest of her life and will never go anywhere else, she will obey everything you say and do whatever you want.

You are also looking for a dua that is so effective, that you do not have to do anything, read this article carefully and comfortably, and you will get the dua that you want to find and this dua is the most powerful dua of the Quran.

What Are The Steps To Perform The Dua For Someone To Come Back To You?

  • First, clean your body, and make wudu.
  • In starting, recite “Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem” × 109 times.
  • Now, imagine the person whom you seriously want to bring back in your life.
  • Recite Surah Al-Mulk Verse [66:12] 91 times.
  • إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُم بِٱلْغَيْبِ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةٌۭ وَأَجْرٌۭ كَبِيرٌۭ
  • Innal lazeena yakhshawna rabbahum bilghaibi lahum maghfiratunw wa ajrun kabeer
  • Finally, beg To Allah (SWT) for That Person whom you want to Come back to you.

5 Steps To Perform Dua For Someone Come Back To You

  • You do first Wudu.
  • Now reicte “bismillah hir-rahman nirrahim
  • Recite this ayat 23 times with surah Fatiha.
  • Aayat is: “Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa
  • Then recite Surah Al-Furqan (25:74).
  • Finally, Pray to Allah (SWT) for that person to come back to you.
  • Do this “Wazifa for someone to come back to you” for 3 days.

Qurani Way Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life Step By Step

  • Take a shower, Make wudu.
  • Recite durood Shareef 17 times. Recite the wazifa mentioned below.
  • اَللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنِي مِنَ النَّارِ
  • Allahumma Ajirni minan naar
  • Recite durood Shareef 13 times again.
  • Now pray to Allah tallah for the person you want to come back to.
  • Inshallah, that person will be back to you. Inshallah.

This will help your partner come back to you, anyhow either if he/she is stuck in a haram relationship or if any circumstances or problems


I want to sum up this article by saying one thing to all my brothers and sisters this dua is going to be best for you if you want someone to love you quickly succession. Do this dua with a pure heart and fully believe in Almighty Allah. Follow every step, and guidance while doing this prayer. Do it in a proper halal way. And you will get results for sure. inshallah.

If you want to know more about Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You in 3 days then stay updated with our website – quraninuskhe.com

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