Dua To Create Love In Someone's Heart

All Regarding Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart

As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my brothers and sisters. Do you want to create love in someone’s heart? If anyone wants to make someone fall in love with you then you have come to the right place we are sharing a powerful and effective “dua to create love in someone’s heart” with everyone. 

If any of my brothers and sisters want to make someone fall in love with them. Then also they can read this article completely. It’s my humble request to share this article with your friends and family. So that they can also live their life happily. 

You need to understand the power of prayer, if you understand its importance then you can get your prayers accepted by Allah,

I will share a story with you which happened a few days ago, I had gone to the UK, and a sister named Rabia came to me, she told me her problem and her problem was whether love can be created in someone’s heart if it can be done then how to do it.

She said that I have read many prayers but I had not got any results till now, so tell me something that makes the person love me, then I will believe you, then I said sister there is nothing to believe in this, my work is to help people,

I will help you too, I told the dua to sister and said you have to read this dua for 3 days, and on the third day you will get the result, and the same happened and Rabia calls me every day because Rabia is so excited,

I will share with you the same dua that I did with Rabia, read this article completely only then you will get the result.

Important Steps For Dua To Crate Love In Someone’s Heart I Am Mentioning You

  • According to the Qurani Nuskhe Foundation, out of 100% of people, 85% don’t know which Dua should be recited but 55% of them don’t know how to do it.
  • In this article, you will be told about the dua which are mentioned in the Quran, and how to do them.
  • You will be told in a clear and precise manner so that you do not get confused.
  • If you do this dua then remember my words, you will get the result within 3 days.

Why Is To Create Love In Someone’s Heart Not With You?

Because till now no one has understood you properly, and even if someone tried to understand you, you did not know how to do it, that is why he is not with you till now, if you want to be with him then today is your chance, understand this method of prayer properly.

“Allah tests us with what we love.”

How Does This Dua Create Love In Someone’s Heart And Its Benefits?

“Dua to create love in someone’s heart” is a powerful and effective dua taken from the holy book Quran. Through this dua, many of my readers create love in their crush’s heart. You can also use this dua to make someone fall in love with you.

If any of my brothers and sisters want to make someone fall in love with them. Then they can recite this powerful and effective dua. The dua to create love in someone’s heart holds significant importance and offers several benefits such as.

  • Seeking Allah’s Blessings: Dua is a way to ask help from Almighty Allah and this dua will help you to get proper blessings from Allah. Through this dua, you seek Allah’s blessings and guidance to strengthen the bond of love between you and your partner.
  • Strengthening Relationships: This dua can contribute to strengthening relationships by promoting love, affection, and understanding between you and your partner.
  • Expression of Love: This dua helps you to express your love in front of your crush and loved ones. By reciting this dua that person never says no to your love. So recite this dua to make someone love you. 

Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

Dua To Create Love In Someone's Heart
Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart

Five Easy Steps To Perform Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart

  • First You take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes,
  • Now You Recite “Ya Wadudu” ( Allah’s beautiful name )for 110 times.
  • You recite Durood Sharif (which means salaatun nabi ) 11 times.
  • Now recite Surah Taha 20:39 for 11 times.
  • Important point not miss-: ‘Aniqzifeehi fit Taabooti faqzifeehi fil yammi fal yul qihil yammu bis saahili ya’khuzhu ‘aduwwul lee wa ‘aduwwul lah; wa alqaitu ‘alaika mahabbatan minnee wa litusna’a ‘alaa ‘ainee.
Five Easy Steps To Perform Dua To Create Love In Someone's Heart
Five Easy Steps To Perform Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart

Powerful Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart

Which dua puts love in someone’s heart? The dua which puts love in someone’s heart is “dua to create love”.  You can also make this dua to fall someone in love with you. That’s why this dua is called dua for love in Islam.

This is the only dua in Islam that is used to win someone’s heart. If any of my brothers and sisters want to create love in their crush or ex-lover’s heart. Then they can recite this strong and effective dua with the following steps.

  • First, you have to perform wudu, 
  • Start with durood sharif 7 times.
  • Reciting Surah Maryam 19:96 11 times,
  • After that read Innal lazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati sa yaj’alu lahumur Rahmaanu wuddaa“This Dua for 86 times,
  • Just after Dua read Durood Sharif 7 times again,
  • In the end, pray to Allah to create love in my crush or love heart.

These steps help you to read this dua in a proper halal manner. So that you will get proper blessings from Almighty Allah.

Dua to Put Love In Someone’s Heart

How do you make love in someone’s heart? If any of my brothers and sisters want to make love in someone’s heart. Then they can recite this effective dua to put love in someone’s heart. This is the most powerful dua to make your crush fall in love with you.

If you recite this dua with pure intentions then this dua will make someone love you back. This is the most powerful dua in Islam to get back your love. So here is a dua to put love in someone’s heart.

  • First, you have to perform wudu, which means cleaning yourself properly,
  • Start with reciting Durood Sharif 7 times,
  • Now read this dua “that I have mention abovefor 86 times,
  • Just after Dua read Durood Sharif 7 times again,
  • In the end, pray to Allah to put my love in my crush or love heart.

These steps help you to perform this dua in a proper halal manner. So that you will get proper blessings from Almighty Allah.

Surah Ayah Maqsad Reference
Surah Taha 20:39 Allah ordered the mother of Musa (as) to put Musa (as) in water and said “I will take him in my love”. Quran.com – Surah Taha, Ayah 39
Surah Maryam 19:96 This verse shows that Allah puts love in the hearts of those who have faith and do good deeds. Quran.com – Surah Maryam, Ayah 96


The article provides a dua from the Quran called “dua to create love in husband heart,” which is presented as a powerful and effective supplication for making someone fall in love with you. The dua is described as seeking blessings from Allah, strengthening relationships, and expressing love towards the desired person.

The article also includes steps for properly reciting the dua, emphasizing the importance of performing wudu (ritual cleansing) and reciting specific phrases multiple times. Overall, the article encourages readers to use this dua with pure intentions and faith to create love in someone’s heart.

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