Dua For Husband Love

Dua For Husband Love And Protection

As-salam Alaykum to all my sisters presents out here. Do you want the best dua for your husband’s love, protection, and success? If any of my sisters want their husbands to live a long life. Then they can read this article completely. Today with this article, we are sharing the most powerful and effective dua for your husband that helps you to live your married life happily forever.

Before doing the dua, you must know how important the dua is for you, what are its benefits, how will it work, and how will you get its results.

If you believe in Allah and dua, only then will this dua work for you, if you do not believe in Allah and dua, then this dua should be left here. Also recite Surah for Success in Everything.

I received a call and that sister told me that it has been 5 years since my marriage she told me that it has been a long time since I started doing the dua, but some time ago my husband’s work suffered a loss and after that, there started to fight in our house and he does not love me as much as he used to.

Then I told the Dua to my sister and she recited the Dua after every Namaz she saw positive results for her husband within 3 days and slowly her husband’s business also got better and he got his love back.

My sister got some positive results which I am sharing with you and I will also share with you the Dua and important points which I did for my sister, so read this article completely. Also recite Powerful Dua For Husband Love.

  • Business Growth.
  • Increase Love with Family.
  • Health will be good.

“The best among you are those who are best to their wives.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Recommendations Before You Start Husband Love, Protection, Success

  • Your intention must be very clear while praying.
  • While praying you must be patient thank Allah and follow the Quran and Sunnah so that your prayer is accepted quickly.
  • You will be bound to namaz, remember your husband after every namaz.
  • It is important to have a happy mind while praying, this will ensure that your prayers will be accepted soon.
  • Remember to keep Sadaqa ( donating )  little by little according to your capacity.
Recommendations Before You Start Husband Love, Protection, Success
Recommendations Before You Start Husband Love, Protection, Success

Benefits of Performing Husband Success And Long Life

  • Your whole family will be happy with Husband Success and Long Life. If your family is happy, then the love of your whole family will increase.
  • There will be a positive and peaceful atmosphere at home because after doing this prayer, happiness will come to your home.
  • By praying for your husband you will get blessings from Allah.
  • This prayer will protect your husband and your family and will not let you do any wrong thing and your house will never face any problem.
  • This will create love between husband and wife, no bad thing will affect your husband, and his health will be good.

Step By Step Important Instructions Before Reciting Dua for Husband

Dua for husband’s love and long life is a strong and effective dua taken from the holy Quran. Through this dua, many of my female followers and readers get proper love and wealth from their husbands. After reading this article and dua for husband protection, some of my sisters protect their husbands from many harmful situations. If any of my sisters want to read this dua for their husbands. Then they have to follow some important instructions given below before reciting this dua. 

  1. Seek Forgiveness: Before making dua for the husband, it’s recommended to seek forgiveness from Allah for any sins. You can do this by saying Istighfar (seeking forgiveness).
  2. Blessings Upon the Prophet (Salat al-Nabi): Sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a recommended practice before making any dua.
  3. Have Sincerity (Ikhlas): Ensure that your intentions are pure and sincere when making the dua. You should seek Allah’s help and blessings for your husband.
Dua For Husband Love
Dua For Husband Love

5 Important Steps To Perform Dua For Husband Love 

How to make a husband love you in Islam? If any of my sisters want to make their husband love them. Then they can recite this powerful and effective dua for husband to love his wife only. This dua will help you to win your husband’s heart and love. Here is dua for husband love in a proper halal manner,

  1. Perform Ablution (Wudu): Ensure you are in a state of ritual purity by performing ablution, which involves washing certain parts of the body.
  2. Choose a Clean Place: Select a clean and quiet place where you can focus without distractions.
  3. Wear Clean Clothes: Dress in clean and modest clothing, as cleanliness is important in Islamic rituals.
  4. Durood e Sharif: Start this dua by reciting Durood e Sharif five times.
  5. Dua: After Durood e Sharif you should have to recite the verse from Al-Kursi 99 times, praying to Allah for better relations with your husband.

This is the dua for husband love according to Islam. If any of my sisters want to make their husband madly love them. Then they can recite this effective dua for husband love. 

Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

I have shared 5 years old data with you and many people have got results through this dua.

Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua
Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

Dua for Husband Protection 

 What is the best dua you can use to protect your husband from those who wish you harm? The best dua you can use to protect your husband from a harmful situation is dua for husband protection. This is the powerful dua for protection In Islam. If any of my sisters want to save their husband from any harmful disease. Then they can recite this dua in the proper halal manner given below. 

  • Take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes.
  • Recite Ya Wadudu” 235 times;
  • Then Recite Surah Al-Anbiya (21:89):
  • After this you have to recite this dua “Wa Zakariyyaaa iz naadaa Rabbahoo Rabbi laa tazarnee fardanw wa Anta khairul waariseen 86 times.
  • Just after that, you have to recite Durood Sharif 7 times.
  • At last pray to Allah to save your husband from any harmful situation. 
Dua for Husband Protection 
Dua for Husband Protection

You can also recite this dua to save your marriage from Divorce and any evil eye. Many of my female readers and followers use this dua to save them from Men. 

Dua for Husband Success

What is the dua for Huge Success? The dua for huge success for your husband is dua for husband success. If any of my brothers and sisters want to be successful in their life. Then they can recite this powerful and effective dua in the proper halal manner. Here is the dua for Success,

  • You have to take a bath and wear fresh clothes before tahajjud time,
  • Now at tahajjud time sit on your prayer mat and read Durood Sharif 7 times,
  • Now read Surah Al-Furqan (25:74):
  • After this Read this dua- Wallazeena yaqooloona Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa”sincerely for 7 times,
  • Just after that read Durood Sharif 7 times again,
  • At last pray to Almighty Allah for your husband’s success in each and every work.

 You can also recite this dua for your future husband. Many of my female readers and followers use this dua for their husband’s success. You should recite Dua For Intimacy Between Husband And Wife.

Dua For Husband’s Long Life 

How to pray for your husband in Islam? If any of my sisters want to pray for their husband’s long life. Then they can recite this dua with the proper steps given below.

Through this powerful dua many of my female readers save their partner or husband from harmful disease and increase their life. This dua helps you to bless your husband and get proper blessings from Almighty Allah. Here is dua for husband long life in a proper halal manner.

  • Take a shower and perform wudu.
  • Start with reciting Durood Sharif 7 times.
  • After this, you have to recite Surah Al-Furqan (25:74): 86 times.
  • Just after that, you have to again recite Durood Sharif 7 times.
  • At last pray to Allah for your husband’s long life. 

This dua is a powerful prayer for your husband. You have to use these above steps to pray for your husband’s long life. You should recite dua for the husband loves his wife only.


In conclusion, reciting powerful dua for various aspects of your husband’s well-being—love, protection, success, and long life—is a profound practice in Islam. These supplications, derived from the Quran and Sunnah, carry immense blessings and efficacy when performed with sincerity and adherence to the recommended steps.

Seeking forgiveness, sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad, maintaining purity, and reciting specific verses and prayers with devotion are crucial aspects of this spiritual endeavor. By following these instructions and invoking Allah’s mercy and guidance, you can strengthen your marital bond, safeguard your husband from harm, facilitate his success, and pray for his longevity. May these dua’s serve as a means to nurture enduring love, harmony, and prosperity in your married life, bringing you closer to Allah’s blessings and mercy.



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