Powerful Dua For Heartbreak And Broken Heart In Islam

Powerful Dua For Heartbreak

As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my visitors, present out here. Those who always keep faith in us and stick to our website with full hope and trust.

Today we are going to talk about Powerful Surah, Wazifa, and Dua For Heartbreak.  You have come to the right place today. You will be told the perfect Dua here which is also mentioned in the Quran.

You will not be put off here for anything. Whatever will be told very clearly so that it becomes easy for you and you can read the Dua comfortably and you do not face any problems. But before doing all this, you should know what Dua is. If you believe in Allah and Dua, then only you will benefit from this Dua. If you do not believe, then leave this Dua here.

I am going to share a success story with you so that you know the importance of this Dua.

I had invited people to an event in India. I asked them who believes in prayers and 60% of them said that they believe in prayers. I called those 40% people and asked them why they don’t believe in prayers. They all told their problems but one problem was the most important among all of them.

The one who was facing this problem was a girl. She told me that her heart was broken and she was cheated in love. I read the prayers many times but I didn’t get any result. I told sister that there was no problem. You have to do the prayers that I will give you for 3 days and after your prayers are accepted, you have to share this prayer with 10 people. And that sister did the same.

Told sister some important points and also told her about the prayer and I told her that while praying, these points should be kept in mind I have mentioned those points below as well, the prayer is also mentioned, go below and read it comfortably.

Guidance Before Performing Dua For Heartbreak

  • Your intention should be right, there should not be any bad thing in your mind.
  • You should not think that someone has cheated you and you should also cheat him, this would be haram.
  • When you recite a prayer, your face should be towards the Qiblah.
  • You can recite this dua after any namaz.
  • Whenever you recite this prayer, your partner’s picture should always be running in your mind.
Guidance Before Performing Dua For Heartbreak
Guidance Before Performing Dua For Heartbreak

You read also Powerful Dua To Break Unlawful Relationship.

What Is The Importance Of Love In Once Life

  • The importance of love in life is very important.
  • Life is incomplete without love.
  • Love is the companion of happiness and satisfaction.
  • It can disturb you mentally and can also keep your health good.
  • Only love can lay the foundation of relationships, if there is no love then how will we have children in the future
  • Most important point: If we don’t love Allah then our life is of no use.

You should also recite Powerful Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart.

Ways To Overcome Heartbreak From the Quran

Islam is bigger than everything and no problem is bigger than Islam and Allah. The holy Quran teaches us how to overcome any obstacle through our belief and trustworthiness. So some ways from the Quran to overcome the situation of a broken heart.  You also recite Wazifa For Love.

  • Faith In Almighty Allah.
  • Be Positive And Remove All The Negativity.
  • Self-obsessed And Self Loving.
  • Always Be Thankful For What You Have.

Note: These are the key points that help you to overcome the situation of heartbreak and a broken heart.

How To Overcome A Situation Of Heartbreak

When you are in the mindset of heartbreak, it can be challenging. You may feel like there is nothing good about this and you may even start questioning what you did wrong. The pain that comes with a broken heart is something that you would never be able to understand unless you have gone through it yourself. Also recite Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart.

Even though we cannot explain how much our broken hearts pain us or why they hurt so much, they do. That’s why when someone we love leaves us, we grieve over them and struggle with accepting their decision and letting them go.

Must Read: Dua For Love Back.

Dua For Broken Heart From the Quran And Steps To perform

How to heal a broken heart in Islam? If any of my brothers and sisters want to heal their broken heart. Then they can recite this powerful dua with the following steps. also recite Powerful Dua To Soften Someone’s Heart.

  • The main thing is to have pure intention while performing.
  • Start This Dua proper wuzu (Ablution)  because the purity of soul and body is crucial.
  • Please do not use this Dua for any other Haram thing, as it is against Islam.
  • Start this Dua with “Shahada” (Peace upon prophet Mohammed).
  • Seat in the direction of the Qibla Sharif.
  • Now perform. Surah Ash-Sharh (Surah 94, Ayat 1-8 10 times.
  • Now recite durood Shareef 19 times.

Note: Follow every step. Don’t skip any of the steps and do it with pure heart and pure intentions. You should also read dua to bring someone back.

Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua


Dua For Heartbreak
Dua For Heartbreak

Dua To Remove Sadness From Heart 

What is the dua for relief of sadness? The dua for relief of sadness in Islam is the dua to remove sadness from the heart. This dua is also used to convert a bad heart to a good heart in Islam. Also recite Effective Dua For Love Back.

This dua you can recite for all of your broken friendships and affairs to be resolved. But for that you have read this dua in a proper halal manner. Here is a dua to remove sadness from the heart in a proper halal way.

  • Do proper Wudu, means clean yourself properly,
  • You recite Ya Wadudu ( Allah Beautiful Name ) 
  • Read Durood Sharif 7 times,
  • After that read “Wa ilaa rabbika far ghabthis dua for 11 times,
  • Just after dua read Durood Sharif 11 times again,
  • At last pray to Allah that helps me to remove sadness from my heart.
Dua For Heartbreak And Broken Heart In Islam
Dua For Heartbreak And Broken Heart In

Wazifa For Heartbreak From Islam And Its Procedure

Can Allah heal my broken heart? Yes, If any of my brothers and sisters want Allah can heal my broken heart. Then they can recite this powerful and effective Wazifa for heartbreak. You also recite Wazifa For Love Marriage In Islam.

  • Do proper Wudu and do five-time Salah before starting this Wazifa.
  • In The posture of Ruku and Sujud do “Tasbih of Fatimah” (14 times Allah hu Akbar, 23 times Alhamdulillah, 13 times SubhanAllah)
  • Recite “Tauba-e-istiGfaar” to neglect your negativity.
  • Finally, Pray to Allah (SWT) to heal your heart and exalt our Beloved Mohammed. Prophet (PBUH)

    Hadith About Broken Heart In Islam

    “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Nothing heals a heart, once broken, but The superpower The Almighty Allah Can Do. Call on your Lord when your heart is broken, that is a time when it’s in pieces & the light of Allah can fill the gaps.

    The gaps in your relationship, with your loved one or a family member by which you are feeling heartbroken. This situation is the weirdest situation one can face in his/her life. So keep your extreme faith in Almighty Allah And he will heal any kind of harsh situation. Inshallah.


    Last but not least I want to sum up this article by saying that your brother shared Wazifa and Dua For Heartbreak And Broken Heart In Islam and much more information to overcome the situation of heartbreak or a broken heart.

    No need to wander here and there and perform these above-mentioned dua’s and wazifa with full procedures and steps and you will get results. Inshallah.

    May you Like Islamic Wazifa for Love Back.


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