As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my visitors, present out here. Those who always keep faith in us and stick to our website with full hope and trust. Today we are going to talk about Wazifa To Bring Someone Back, which is brought by your brother in a proper halal way. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
No need to search or wander here and there because QURANI NUSKHE provides you solutions for your problems in a very quick period. So read the article carefully, till last as the wazifa for different things which I got notice nowadays is given in the last so make sure to read the whole article carefully. Also recite Dua For Love Marriage.
When a man loves his brother, he should tell him that he loves him. Grade : Sahih (Al-Albani) : Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 5124 In-book reference : Book 43, Hadith 352
Guidance Before Performing Wazifa To Bring Someone Back
Steps No. | First, keep yourself clean and the place where you perform this wazifa (wuzu). |
Steps No. | While doing this wazifa, keep your face in the direction of Qibla Sharif. |
Steps No. | Keep the water of Zamzam and the holy Quran near you for desired results. |
Steps No. | Show complete determination and faith towards Allaha Tallah for the quick acceptance of the wazifa. |
Steps No. | Start this wazifa after maghrib Namaz for best results. |
Steps No. | Imagine your love with good intentions; your only motive should be marriage. |
Steps No. | Also recite Powerful And Effective Dua For A Loved One. |

Note: Must follow every guideline and do this wazifa continuously til you get the desired results. Sisters can skip this wazifa in their mensurational days. (periods) You also recite Powerful Surah For Love Back,
Benefits of Performing Wazifa to Bring Someone Back
- By reading this wazifa, your brain will become balanced.
- This wazifa will protect you from bad things.
- The person you love will also start loving you.
- This wazifa will not give you results in a short time, its results will last for your whole life.
- Try to do this wazifa on Friday night. Also, recite Powerful And Effective Dua For A Loved One.
Wazifa To Bring Someone Back According To Islam
Wazifa is an ancient Islamic practice of reciting prayers and portions of the Quran to change a difficult situation. It is often used to help heal physical, spiritual, and emotional ailments. Wazifa for bringing someone back is a powerful practice that can help bring a loved one back into your life.
Whether you have gone through a breakup, lost a loved one, or are having trouble reconnecting with an estranged family member, Wazifa for bringing someone back can help. You should also recite Dua To Bring Someone Closer To You.
It is an effective way to reconnect with a lost loved one and open the doors of communication. With the right intention and dedication, this practice can help you find the courage to face the situation and reconnect with a lost loved one.
Must Read: Wazifa For Love
Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

5 Steps To Perform Wazifa For Someone Come Back
- Take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes,
- Ya Wadudu” 435 times.
- Now Recite ‘ya Allah Illallah” 100 Times
- Then Recite Durood Shareef 23 Times.
- And Last Pray To Allah. Also, recite Powerful Islamic Wazifa for Love Back/
Step by Step perform Wazifa To Bring Someone Back
- Take a piece of white paper and write your and your lover’s name on it.
- Perform the wazifa mentioned below 233 times.
- Rabbanaa Laa Too-Akhid’naaa In-Naseenaa Aw Akht’aanaa Rabbanaa wa Laa Tah’mil A’laynaaa Is’ran Kamaa Ha’maltahoo A’lal Lad’eena min Qablinaa Rabbanaa wa Laa Tuh’ammilnaa Maa Laa T’aaqata Lanaa Bih Wa’-Fu A’nnaa.
- Then you have to blow on that paper.
- In the end, raise your hands and pray to Allah (SWT) for your lover to come back to you.
- Keep this paper with you for 3 days. Also, recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.

Wazifa To Make Someone Love You
If you love someone deep in your heart and your intentions towards your love are good then this wazifa is going to be best in business for you. This wazifa will give you results beyond your expectations. Also, recite Wazifa For Love Marriage In Islam.
But your faith and believe in Almighty Allah must be pure and there is no space for negativity in your mind. You have to perform this wazifa for 9 odd days continuously. Also, recite Dua To Break Someone’s Engagement And Marriage.
Before deciding whether to do a Powerful Wazifa To Bring Someone Back, you need to evaluate the situation. If you are in a relationship with someone for a long time and you have maintained that throughout your relationship with them, then you can do a Wazifa to bring someone back.
You can also do this if someone you know has been gone for a while and wants to return home. The next thing you need to do is to weigh the pros and cons of doing a Wazifa to bring someone back. This is an individual decision, so you will need to evaluate the situation before you make a decision. And for any assistance or queries, you can connect with us.