As-salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my visitors, present out here—those who always keep faith in us and stick to our website with full hope and trust. Today we are going to talk about Powerful Dua To get him/her back, which is brought by your brother in a proper halal way. Also recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
No need to search or wander here and there because QURANI NUSKHE provides you solutions for your problems in a very quick span of time. So read the article carefully, till last as the wazifa for different things which I got notice nowadays is given in the last so make sure to read the whole article carefully. You also recite Dua For Someone Special.
Do You Miss The One Who Left You?
Many of us have been through the pain of being left by a loved one. Sometimes love just doesn’t work out. We may have been on different paths in life, or our circumstances have led to this parting of ways. Whatever the case may be, it can be really hard to move on from this type of loss. However, staying in sadness isn’t going to do you any good either. Also, recite Dua For Love Back.
You need to turn your heart towards goodness and start working towards a new future. You can do that by asking Allah for help and guidance as well as serving Him with your time, wealth, and talents.
If you are also looking for a Powerful Dua To get him/her back who has left you brokenhearted, then continue reading this article till the end and you will find the way to get him /her back. Also, recite Dua For Someone Special.
Procedure To Perform Dua To Get Him Back
- First, make fresh wudu.
- Next, recite Durood e Sharif 13 times.
- Then, read “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times.
- Then, Durood e Sharif 9 times.
- Finally, ask Holy Allah to make him/her love you back.
- Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat soon. Also recite Wazifa For A Relationship With a specific Person.

Niyyah To Make Someone Love You Back in
If you want the one who left you with a full pure heart and believe then this Niyyah is going to be miraculous to you. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
As this Niyyah blessed many of my brothers and sisters across the globe. This Niyyah blessed them with their desired dreams. Also, recite Dua For Love Marriage,
This Niyyah helps you in every situation, every phase not only in getting him/her back. So if you believe in Almighty Allah then stick with this Niyyah For 23 days and this will help you to get rid of every problem. And you will get fruitful results. Also, recite Dua For Husband Love And Protection.
Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

Procedure To Perform Niyyah To Get Him Back
Step No.1 | Firstly make a fresh wudu. |
Step No.2 | Next, recite Durood e Sharif 17 times. |
Step No.3 | Recite the Niyyah mentioned below for 77 times. |
Step No.4 | Rabbanaa Laa Too-Akhid’naaa In-Naseenaa Aw Akht’aanaa Rabbanaa wa Laa Tah’mil A’laynaaa Is’ran Kamaa Ha’maltahoo A’lal Lad’eena min Qablinaa Rabbanaa wa Laa. |
Step No.5 | Then, Durood e Sharif 13 times. |
Step No.6 | Finally, pray to Allah to make him/her love you back. |
Step No.7 | Inshallah, you will meet your Hajat soon. Also, recite Effective Dua For Love Back. |

At last, I want to some of this article by saying that your lover has been with you for many years now, but suddenly he/she left you. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Wife In Islam.
You feel shattered and angry as if he has betrayed you rather than yourself. The pain is unbearable. There are things you wish to say, but you just can’t find the right words. The hurt is too deep. Also, recite Miraculous Dua For True Love And Find Your Soulmate.
Away from you, he/she has forgotten you, Or he/she is just pretending. Or he doesn’t love you anymore. You can’t stand to think about it. And yet, you can’t help but wonder if he will come back to you. You should also recite Powerful Surah For Love Back.
If you have lost your partner, you may feel as though you’ve been left holding a huge space in your life. It is time to find out if your partner does love you. This article will help you to overcome your problem. Also recite Dua To Find Soulmate In Islam.
If you want to know more about Powerful Dua To get him/her back then stay updated with our website –