some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”
As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my visitors, present out. Above mention quote has a deep sense of dedication and hard work to make your dreams true either in academics or in business field .
Every day we face an examination of life where sometimes we get or sometimes we get succeed to achieve our target. However now a day success is meant for clearing government jobs and having a standard life.
Today we will talk about practical and Powerful Dua For Exam Success, which is in a proper HALAL way.
Believing in prayers is very important whether that prayer is love-related, health-related, or study-related, if you believe in prayers then only your work will be completed. You should also recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
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I had been getting calls from Alia for a long time and I was in Bassi. I had gone to the United Kingdom, I was invited to an event, and they honored me because I have helped many people by giving prayers, Duas and to have a blessing of Allah Tala.
NOTE:- Also, recite Dua For Love Marriage.
“Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me when I need it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector and the best of aid.”
When I talked to Alia, she told me that she has an exam. She has been messaging me for 1 month but due to some circumstances I was out of the station and couldn’t answer her, I apologized for it, keeping our conversation,
I asked her when is your exam, she told me that her exam is after 7 days and she told that she has MBBS exam, I prayed for her additionally I told her the dua, asked her to recite during the examination too.
One day she called me and congratulated on her grand success in examinations.
NOTE:- Also, recite Dua For Husband Love.
I will share with you the same prayer that Alia performed during her examinations.
Follow Some Rules Starting Dua For Exam Success
Step No.1 | While doing the Dua your intention should be in the welfare. |
Step No.2 | While doing the Dua your face should be towards the Qibla. |
Step No.3 | You can do this Dua for your partner and share it with anyone who needs it because it will have a very good impact on your result. |
Step No.4 | You have to read this Dua till your exam is going on, this will give you a positive result. |
Step No.5 | You can read this Dua after any Namaaz. |

Dua For Exam Success And Its Procedure
You know you’re supposed to score well in your exams. You practiced and studied, and you took the tests in your own time.
So why do you still struggle on the big day? Well, there are a few things you can do to guarantee a perfect score in your exams. If You have a relation issue then you read dua for love back Islamic method.
But the first step know yourself and what makes you tick. What types of exams are feeling you anxious about? Which questions are stressing you out the most? How could you approach them in the best way possible?
Once you know yourself, it’s time to learn how to ace your exams with today’s dua for success everything which helps you a lot to get a good score in your exam with the blessings of Almighty Allah. So read the whole article carefully till the last don’t skip any of its steps and do it with the full procedure.
Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”
- Start by making a Wudu.
- Sit in the posture of prayer and perform the nakht nail twice.
- Now durood Shareef 19 times.
- Place a glass of Zam Zam water and pray to Allah Tallah for Exam success.
- Now recite the dua Al-Bukhari 11/116 (Hadith no. 6316).
- Alḥamdu lillāhil-ladhī ‘aḥyānā ba`da mā ‘amātanā wa ‘ilayhin-nushūr.
- After this drink a glass of water in the memory of Allah.
- Finish this dua by reciting ‘Ya Wadoodu’
- If you need a dua for a job after studying then read this dua.
Precautions While Performing Dua For Success
- While performing this dua keep in mind that your intentions must be pure.
- The Quran does not support any act performed with impure intentions or negative thoughts.
- Dua for success in exams will give you fruitful results only when you have complete faith in Almighty Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).
- Sit in the Direction facing towards Kaaba while performing this Dua.
- Your motive behind this dua should be, to achieve success in your exams and conquer every exam.
- Don’t use any Shirk and Black magic. perform this dua in the proper Islamic Halal Way.
- If you done any mistakes while performing this Dua, say “Astaghfirullah” 29 times and Start Dua again.
- At the end of every Dua (Prayer), say Ameen.
Hurdles In The Way Towards Success In Exams
There are so many hurdles you have to face while preparing for your exams like mental stress, family and relatives pressure, anxiety, financial issues, and many more.
This situation might lead you to the situation of depression, or mind failure. These are the common problems faced by every student but as a student, you must overcome these situations. you are capable of doing so. If You have a Marriage issue then you read the powerful dua for love marriage you see the result in 3 days.
Because every creature of Almighty Allah is special and he/she can overcome any situation. So always believe in yourself and the Father of the whole universe the mighty Allah Tala, do the dua which I brought for you today if you face any hurdle while preparing for exams. You also recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
Note- you have to perform this dua till you face any kind of hurdle in your life regularly.
So Here Is The Dua For Hurdles Mentioned Below
Note- you have to perform this dua till you face any kind of hurdle in your life regularly.
- Take a shower to perform wudu and Wear clean clothes.
- Recite Ya Wadudu ( The Beautiful Allah name ) 111 times.
- Now durood Shareef 13 times.
- Now recite the dua Surah Ta-Ha (20:114) 11 times.
- Fata’aalal laahul Malikul Haqq; wa laa ta’jal bil Quraani min qabli ai yuqdaaa ilaika wahyuhoo wa qur Rabbi zidnee ‘ilmaa.
Powerful Dua For Studying
Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one
What dua is used for studying for exams? The dua which is used for studying exams is dua for studying. This dua is used for exam preparation because many of my readers use this dua to pass their government exams. Do you want someone to fall madly in love with you, then read this dua.
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If you recite this dua properly then it will boost your memory. You can read this dua in Islam for success in exams. If someone wants to study effectively for their exams then they can recite this dua with-
- Perform wudu, means cleaning yourself properly,
- Now read Surah Ta-Ha ,verse 114 for 10 times,
- Just after that read “Rabbi zidnee ‘ilmaa” dua 111 times,
- After dua read Durood Sharif 7 times,
- At last pray to Allah to get Success in study.

These steps help you to get proper blessings from Allah. So that you will get proper concentration in studies.
Dua for Wealth And Prosperity
Everyone wants a name and fame in his/her life but someone gets it and someone doesn’t and those who don’t get, lose hope in everything and feel useless and think as they can’t do anything in life. This dua helps them to sweep this negative perception.
According to the holy book Quran, there is a solution to every problem and you don’t lose hope whether the situation is critical or harsh towards you.
Life is never made unbearable by circumstance, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.
Always have in your mind that whatever you will think for yourself, you will be like that. yeah, this is a bitter truth that ups and downs come in everyone’s life but don’t lose hope. There is a solution of every problem if you are determined to solve it.
So for this today your brother brought a powerful Islamic dua for wealth and prosperity. So you have to do this dua with a pure heart and full believe in Almighty Allah to get fruitful results Inshallah.
The procedure of dua for wealth and prosperity
- Take a shower.
- Sit in a silent place where no one can disturb you.
- Place the holy Quran with you.
- Recite Darood-E-Ibraheem 33 times.
- Now recite durood Shareef 13 times.
At last, I want to sum up this article by saying one thing to all, this dua is going to be best for you if you want success in your exams and quick succession. Do this dua with a pure heart and full believe in Almighty Allah.
Follow each step, and guidance while doing this prayer. Do it in a proper halal way. you will get results for sure as many of my clients have received success in their exams by performing this dua across the globe. If they got success, why wouldn’t you, would you? This is the main motto to bring this dua for you today, inshallah.