Dua to Stop Family Fights

Dua to Stop Family Fights


Assalam walekum to all my brothers and sisters do you want a dua to stop family fights? Do you have fights at your house every day over small things and when you try to make your family members understand they don’t understand you and scold you too, Also recite Powerful Dua For Someone Special.

If that is the case then you have come to the right place where you will be told a powerful dua that will solve all your problems this dua is taken from the Quran and this dua has been given to many people before and this dua gives very good and quick results, so I am going to share this dua with you and I request you to read this article only then you can take benefit of this dua. Also, recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.

This dua is all about how you can reduce fights at home. If you follow those steps, positive thoughts are brought to mind. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Love Marriage to Agree Parents.

Everyone wants a happy family in this era but sometimes misunderstanding changes into a massive fight with family members. Also recite Powerful Dua For Parents Health And Long Life.

Most of the people haven’t respect for each other and don’t try to understand as well. If you are facing those types of problems you can rid of this entire problem with this dua.

A very important dua mentioned here is Dua For Love Back.

Follow Some Rules Before Doing This Dua

  1. Before starting this dua you should clean yourself then start this dua.
  2. Always ask Allah for forgiveness for your all sins so Allah will listen to your prayers.
  3. You always have faith in Allah.
  4. If you are woman then you should avoid doing this dua while you are in your periods.
  5. You should also try this dua Powerful Dua For Someone To Return Home.
Follow Some Rules Before Doing This Dua
Follow Some Rules Before Doing This Dua

Benefits Of Performing Dua To Stop Family Fights

  • This dua will provide you with the means of Allah’s blessings.
  • You will learn patience and acceptance.
  • This dua will protect you from the devil.
  • If someone has an evil eye on your house, it will protect them.
  • And this dua will stop the fights that happen in your house.

5 Steps To Perform Dua To Stop Family Fights

  • First of all, you have to do wudu.
  • You have to say any 3 names of Allah which are most loving.
  • Now you have to recite Durood Sharif.
  • And do not tell anyone about this dua that you are reciting this dua.
  • After reciting the dua you have to go straight to the room of the person who fights at home.
5 Steps To Perform Dua To Stop Family Fights
5 Steps To Perform Dua To Stop Family Fights

Dua to Stop Family Fights

  • First of all, early in the morning, you must perform.
  • Then recite Durood Sharif 21 times.
  • After that you should read this dua’’Rabbana hablana min azwajina wadhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil-muttaqina imama for 321 times in a day.
  • At the end pray to Allah in your words as you wants to say to stop family fights.’

Do this dua as it is mentioned regularly without any distributions then you will get all positive outcomes. You should also recite Powerful Dua to Forget Someone you Love.

Dua to stop parents Fighting

If your parents are doing fight with each other on every day then you must do this dua to end this fight and make a connection between your parents. You should also recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.

You recite this dua ‘’Rabbanaghfir Li Wa Li Walidayya Wa Lil Mu’minina Yawma Yaqumul hisaab.’’

You must recite this dua for 123 times after every salah for 3 days them blow on your parent’s photo when you have done reciting this dua. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Return Home And Missing.

Dua To Keep Family Together

Happiness is important for increasing love between family members.

  • Recite this dua Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-nas for the happiness of family,
  • After that start reading Biamillah 100 times at least.
  • You should try this dua because this is a very helpful Powerful Dua To Save Your Marriage From Divorce.

Dua To Increase Love Between Family Members

In our culture, people live in a joint family. Normally, we will have issues with family members. Sometimes small fight can be changed into a huge mess. So you should recite this dua every day. Also recite Powerful Dua to Forget Someone you Love.

  • Take a bath and find a peaceful place where you can perform this dua.
  • Wazil-e-aalam qaban elaahi shubet el kulukhulam shad bahaim ul’khalaid el’umaid shahkham e jabair jubairi’el khadum’shaz ebahi’el shadum pakair’el.
  • Start this dua to increase love between your family members and always believe that Allah is the only one power in this world. Also recite Powerful Dua To Save Your Marriage From Divorce.


I have told you everything in this article, how to do it, when to do it, for how many days to do it, and if you still face issues in praying, then you can ask me by mail or call me.


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