Assalam walekum to one and all present there, today I am bringing a dua that you can perform before having intimacy with your partner so that you will receive an obedient, sincere, and brilliant child. Before beginning I would like to ask this question have you heard this dua before , if your answer is yes; I am sure you must have practiced it.
If you had practiced it then kindly let me know the results of it. I can assure you that you must have been blessed with a brilliant child. If you haven’t practiced and heard about this then let me brief it.
If husband and wife read this dua properly before having art of love then this dua can be very beneficial for them. if this dua is read before connecting then it brings ruhani blessings and love increases between husband and wife it is also called “Humbistari or Janabat ki Dua”
Recommendation Before You Start Dua For Before Intercourse
Steps No | How To Do |
Step No. 1 | Before doing the Dua, make sure that your intention is clear. |
Step No. 2 | Do not use this Dua for haraam work otherwise, you may get into trouble. |
Step No. 3 | While doing the Dua, do not tell anyone that you are using this Dua. |
Step No. 4 | This Dua has to be recited facing the Qiblah. |
Step No. 5 | Read the Dua with full understanding and ease so that you do not commit any mistakes. |

Benefits Of Performing Dua For Sex
- By doing this dua, a good relationship will be formed between husband and wife.
- There will be blessings and Allah’s mercy in the relationship of husband and wife.
- Your relationship will also be protected by this dua.
- You will get to see positive things and your bad thoughts will end.

What’s its importance in Islam
In Islam one must read the dua before intercourse if you read this dua before intimacy then love will bloom between you two. You will be blessed with a baby that will be charming, obedient, intelligent, and sensible. Every parent wants their baby would be loved by everyone and get success in his life. Also, recite dua for pregnant.
The littlest feet make the biggest footprints on our hearts” You should recite the Powerful Dua For Husband To Love His Wife Only.
Significance Role of Reciting Janabat Dua Before Intercourse
Janabat Dua, is an essential dua in Islam to perform before intercourse. It hikes up the love between the couples and blesses them with the blessed one offspring. Also, recite dua to stop family fights.
“ I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle.”
NOTE:- You should recite Dua For Wife (Effective And Halal)
Briefing the crucial boons of this miraculous dua
- Dua and blessings of Allah:- By praying Janabaat, Allah has immense blessings on the husband and wife.
- Protection from the devil:- After reading this dua we can be saved from the devil ( satan) because Satan always spoils the good work, if we read this dua then we can be saved from the devil (Satan).
- Dua for child:- This prayer has an impact on your future child. This prayer will not have any negative effect on your children and will also protect you from the devil.
- NOTE:– You should also recite Fabulous Surah To Make Husband Love You.
Dua Before Sexual Intercourse
This dua is considered very important in Islam, and this dua should be recited by the husband and wife before sex.
As we know parenting nowadays is the toughest part of everyone’s life; by performing this dua we can be blessed by Allah Tala with the adorable offspring. As well as the intensity of love between the couple hikes up day by day.
If are getting any sort of hindrance kindly contact us:-
NOTE:- Also recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
You have to recite this dua 7 times before sharing bed Bismillaah.
“Allahumma jannibnash-Shaytaana, wa jannibish-Shaytaana maa razaqtanaa”
Step-by-Step Guidance to Reciting Dua Before sexual communication
- Take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes.
- Now you recite Ya Wadudu for 11 times.
- You recite durood sharfi for 11 times.
- Now Recite Al-Bukhari 6/141 for 11 times.
- Recite this dua Bismillāh. Allāhumma jannibnash-Shayṭān. wa jannibish-Shayṭāna mā razaqtanā.
Note:- You also recite this Dua For Husband.
Before sexual transmission perform these duas
Surah | Maqsad |
Source – Sahih al-Bukhari. | Purpose- By reciting this dua you will have a child who will be a very good person and Allah will protect him from the devil. |
5 Steps To Perform Dua Before Intercourse
- Your intentions must be obvious before making dua.
- While praying, you should keep in your mind that Allah should protect you from Satan.
- May Allah boost the love between husband and wife.
- I have mentioned the dua above and you have to read it as mentioned.
- And remember, you have to read this dua only once before having sex.
It would be best to recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.
In this article, I have explained everything about how to read this dua and the way to do it. If you do this dua correctly, then whatever is written in this article will happen. If you face any problem or difficulty while doing the dua, then you can ask me by sending me an email or messaging me on WhatsApp.