As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to present out here.
The relationship is the most important aspect of our life where we celebrate our events, days, and precious occasions together but think we both partners are living at a distance due to jobs, study and many other reasons. It became very tough for the couple to sustain it for a long time. Sometimes, we need the presence of our partner on auspicious occasions as well as special occasions.
“Being only one the most challenging things in this era of technologies and social media”
Today I will talk about effective and Powerful dua for long-distance relationships, which your brother brings in a proper halal way.
No need to search or wander here and there because QURANI NUSKHE provides you solutions for your problems in a very quick period.
Note :- Also, recite Powerful Dua To Break Unlawful Relationship.
If you understand the power of this prayer, you will never face any problems because this is the most powerful dua of the Quran which will help you in a long-distance relationship. It would help if you also recited Impressive Dua To Make Relationships Stronger.
Today I am going to share an incident where I met a boy named SHOHIL, from Srinagar, he came to me and asked for a favor to sort out the hurdles that he and his partner was facing for the last 6 months. He told me in the brief that he and his partner started to quarrel with each other due to a lack of communication and understanding on some specific matters. No doubt this is spoiling the sweetness of their bond.
After listening to all, I would recommend this specific dua to bring sweetness to their bond once again. That same dua I am briefing here, starting it, I would like to request to everyone, read it properly and practice on the specific time, having an abundance of faith in Allah Tala. It would help if you also recited Wazifa For A Relationship With a specific Person.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself.” Reference: Sahih al-Bukhari 13 In-book reference: Book 2, Hadith 6.
Why Is Dua Important for Long-Distance Relationships And What Are The Benefits?
This dua is very important for you, if you ignore it then remember that in the future you may suffer a huge loss and loss will happen because your relationship will not be what it was before if you read this dua then you will get a lot of help. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Rekindle Love.
- Built communication: Praying together can encourage open and honest communication as partners express their concerns and hopes for the relationship with Allah.
- Develop patience and honesty: It develops patience with the challenges of distance and build trust in each other’s commitment to the relationship.
- Seeking guidance and support: Through prayer, couples can seek Allah’s guidance and support in the toughest period of a long-distance relationship.
- Strengthening commitment:
- The act of praying together can determine the couple’s dedication to their relationship and their desire to make it work despite the physical separation.
- The second thing is that this dua has been tested and its result is quite good
- We had given this prayer to Ayesha and Muftaq. They got such good results. On their request, I have shared this dua.
- If you want to talk to them, then hit me up on WhatsApp, and I will put them through you.
- Also, recite Powerful Islamic Wazifa for Love Back.
Some Recommendations Which You Have To Follow Before Starting This Wazifa
You must have to follow all these recommendations and you must be dedicated to your love to get fruitful results. You should also recite Wazifa For Love.
If you do not follow the wazifa, we will not take any responsibility. No one can tell you the way we have told you and this is such a powerful wazifa which will help you a lot. You should also recite Powerful Surah For Love Back.
Steps | The way to do this |
Step No. 1 | You should also recite Powerful Surah For Love Back. |
Step No. 2 | Think of your lover or spouse who is far away from you before performing this wazifa |
Step No. 3 | Make a fresh ablution, clean yourself with the process of wudu because it is HALAL. |
Step No. 4 | Sit in a peaceful place where no one can disturb you. your direction must be facing towards Mecca. |
Step No. 5 | Place the HOLY BOOK QURAN with you. |
Step No. 6 | Drink ZAMZAM WATER before and after completing the wazifa. |
Step No. 7 | Keep complete faith in Almighty Allah, and don’t lose hope. ALLAH can test your patience sometimes. |

I Am Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

Seven (7) Steps To Perform Dua For Long Distance Relationship
- Perform Wudu and sit on your prayer mat.
- Your intention must be clear.
- Recite Durood Shareef three times. ( Durood Shareef means salaatun nabi )
- Recite “Ya Wadudu” 1100 times.
- Now Recite Surah Al-A’raf (7:126) three times.
- You recite this dua Wa maa tanqimu minnaaa illaaa an aamannaa bi Aayaati Rabbinaa lammaa jaaa’atnaa; Rabbanaaa afrigh ‘alainaa sabranw wa tawaffanaa muslimeen.
- Pray to Allah SWT For a long-distance relationship.
Dua For Long Distance Relationships Procedure
Suppose you are in a relationship and for some reason, you have decided that both of you will live separately. you also sure that there would be no problem in your relationship, your relationship would remain safe and sound, then let me tell you about that. Also, recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.
I am telling you, what you have to do, you do not need to be afraid of it, your brother has brought such an amazing dua for you which always gives you better and quicker results than others. This prayer is for the test, I share it with you. Also, recite Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
- Begin with proper wudu and make yourself neat and clean.
- Take any seven names of ALLAH and begin with the process.
- Recite durood Shareef 14 times.
- Now perform the wazifa 300 times
- Surah Al-A’raf (7:126) 11 times.
- Now, sip ZAMZAM WATER thrice and imagine your love in each drink.
- Inshallah, your relationship will get more intense day by day.

You have to perform this wazifa for 9 days regularly by skipping any of the days after the namaz of fajr (morning prayer) Keep all the negative thoughts away from your mind. Keep faith in Almighty Allah that he will bless you with your desired partner. Don’t use any black magic or shirk as these things are haram in Islam.
Dua To Keep Spark Alive In Your Long-Distance Relationship
As we all know if we are dedicated or passionate about anything then no one can stop us from achieving that thing. Same in our long-distance relationship, you have to keep the faith and you must be passionate about your relationship. By doing this you will get your desired partner for sure whether he/she is far away from you.
In this wazifa, you have to do it for 7 days and without skipping any of the days. Skip this wazifa in their mensuration (periods). keep this all confidential until and unless you get the result.
Steps To Perform Wazifa To Keep Spark Alive In Long Distance Relationship
- Begin with proper wudu and make yourself neat and clean.
- Take any nine names of ALLAH and begin with the process.
- Recite durood Shareef 11 times.
- Now perform the wazifa 213 times
- Surah Al-Kahf (18:10) 11 times.
- Now recite durood Shareef for 9 times.
- Now pray to Almighty Allah to make your relationship stronger day by day.
This will surely help you to keep your spark burning in your relationship and make your relationship stronger day by day. This will help you to increase your love for your partner heart’s towards you. It will make your bond unbreakable, no one can separate you after performing this wazifa.
But don’t skip any of the steps and precautions. Do this wazifa with a pure heart and believe in Almighty Allah to get fruitful results in a short period.
Dua To Make Your Long-Distance Partner Feel Special In the Islamic Way
As we all know one can face challenges in a relationship with a specific person. But according to me, one should not give up on a relationship due to the problem of long distance. There is a solution to every problem in Islam. No problem is bigger than Almighty Allah. So if you want to get rid of any problem then you should keep faith in Almighty Allah and beg him to bless you with your desired wish.
If our intentions are pure then he will bless us for sure, as he is our father and no father can see his child in pain. He will solve our problem for sure. This wazifa is going to be the best Islamic wazifa for you as it is driven from the Holy Book Of the Quran. You will make your long-distance partner feel special after performing this wazifa for sure.
- First, take a bath in the early morning.
- After that, sit in the direction of Mecca with the holy book Quran.
- Now recite a verse of Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) for 113 times.
- Inshallah, you will make your partner feel special Inshallah.
I want to sum up this article by saying one thing to all, this wazifa is going to be best for you if you want to make your long-distance relationship stronger, everlasting, sweeten and purest.
Do this wazifa with a pure heart and believe in Almighty Allah. Follow every step, and guidance while doing this prayer. Do it in a proper halal way. you will get results for sure. Inshallah! Inshallah! Inshallah!
If you want to know more about Powerful Wazifa for Distance Relationships then stay updated with our website –