“Home is like the heaven for everyone where we spent our childhood, springtime and senility through adding many memories with near and dear ones”
Assalam Walekum, to all my dear and near ones readers.
I hope you all are in good status of health and wealth. Above I have described the role of the home in everyone’s lives. But the most important thing is that we have to move a new place due to unavoidable reasons, leaving our family in our native town.
Men mostly do this for their jobs and study purposes. So here I am mentioning some dua for someone to return home safely because not all succeed in getting fair jobs and its conditions. Some of us also get hurdles in their settlement at the new place.
That is why there is always a demand of such a dua, Do you want a Dua For Someone To Return Home. Also, recite Dua to Stop Family Fights.
So you have come to the most sacred website of the Quran, here you will find all Quranic prayers. Even today I will share Quranic prayer with you it is so effective and its results are very powerful but it has to be done as you are told. Also, recite Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
If you do this prayer step by step with devotion , you will get the result very soon. Also, recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
Greetings, Allah Ta’ala Here I’m going to help you out with all problems with the Islamic methods.
I am sure that Halal dua for someone to return home is mentioned on this page, this site will help you to find solutions.
For more benefits, you should read this essay from beginning to end. Never Forget Allah call upon Me, and I will respond to you.
If you are in love with someone and after a beautiful relationship you are apart from that person it is the worst feeling in the world. However, it would be beneficial if you were free of that suffering from this feeling. You should recite Powerful Islamic Wazifa for Love Back.
For more updates, you can hit us on our whatsapp no.:- Nobody teaches us how to deal with this circumstance. Rather than living a life of suffering, you should recite this dua to Allah to those who want to make it beautiful.
You still can bring your loved one back. You must believe in Allah Tala.
Follow Some Rules (Qawaid) Before Starting This Dua
- Your intention should be pure and you should have faith in Allah.
- You have to do this dua with halal rizq to get accepted quickly.
- While doing the dua, your face should be towards the Qiblah.
- Try to do this dua at Tahajjud’s time.

Benefits of Performing Dua For Missing Person To Return
- Allah Tala protect him/her -: you pray to Allah in trouble, Allah will shower his blessings on her/him.
- Peace and patience:- This prayer will give you and your special one Roohani peace and you will get a sigh of relief.
- Eradicate mental and physical distance: This will eliminate the distances in your relationship, whether physical or mental.
- Bring happiness:- this dua will bring happiness and prosperity between you and your partner. Whatever the challenges you both are facing will be parted away.
- Foster understanding:- it will foster understanding between you and your partner where you both will cooperate to each other and respect of each other’s decisions.
I am sharing The Pros And Cons Dua For Someone Returning Home
Pros | Cons |
This dua should be recited in a quiet place. | Do not read in a place where there are a lot of people. |
The relationship should be halal. | It should not be haram. |
Have faith in Allah. | Wait for your dua to be answered or talk to Gulfam Ali. |
Dua For Someone To Return Home
“There is nothing like staying home for real comfort.”
This is the most effective Dua For Someone To Return home is:
“Quli Allahumma fatura assamawatuwal-ardi Aalima Aighaybi washshahadatianta tahkumu bayna AAibadika fee ma kanoofeehi Yakhtalifoon”
You must perform this dua after Fajar Salah for 21 days regularly if you want that person to return to your home. Also, recite Dua To Bring Someone Closer To You.
How To Perform Dua For Someone To Return Home
Step No | The way to do this |
Step No.1 | How to Say a Dua to Ask Someone to Come Back Home. |
Step No.2 | First of all, You must perform wuddu and after that recite Durood Sharif. |
Step No.3 | Take a picture of the person you wish to return the photo to with your hand. |
Step No.4 | Recite Surah Az – Zumar’s for 111 times, verse no. 46 after Fajar Salah. |
Step No.5 | You should also recite Dua To Find a Soulmate In Islam. |
In the end, blow on his picture and ask Allah Tala to receive your dua to that person a safe return home. Also, recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
For 15 days, repeat this dua for that person’s wealthy and healthy lifestyle. Saying his name and holding a picture of the missing person in front of you during prayer will help him return quickly.
What Is The Dua For People Who Lost Someone?
- Five simple procedures to offer a dua for a lost person.
- First of all you must Wash your hands and find a quiet place to sit.
- Put up your hands.
- Say Surah Al Fatiha two times in a day with full of.
- “Rabbanaa aatinaa fiddunyaa hasanah, wa fik aakhirati hasanah, waqinaa ‘adhaaban naar,” for 441 times.
- Do pray for the missing person’s safe return.
- Let’s conclude with Durood.
- You should recite Wazifa For Love Marriage In Islam
Note:- you must stick to this plan constantly for 21 days for the lost individual to find you.
Method To Perform Dua For Someone To Return Home
- First, you have to do wudu.
- Then you recite ya wadudu 243 times.
- Now recite durood sharif.
- Now Recite Rabbanaa aatinaa fiddunyaa hasanah, wa fik aakhirati hasanah, waqinaa ‘adhaaban naar,” for 441 times.
- And lastly, you pray to Allah O Allah please this person return home.
Dua For Missing Child
“Your hug is like a warm embrace of love, your smile makes me happy, little feet spread the fragrance of love around us, the core of our heart “ …
Children are the blessing of Allah, and it is our duty as parents to bring them up with love, provide them with guidance, and teach them the ways of Islam Also recite Dua To Get Pregnant With Baby Boy.
“wallaahu ja’ala lakum min anfuusikum azwaajanw wa ja’ala lakum min azwaajikum baneena wa hafadatanw wa razaqajum mint taiyibaat, afabil baatiki yu’minoona wa bini’matik laahi hum yakkfuroon”
Steps To Perform Dua for Missing Child
- You must do wudu, and perform this dua for 21 days.
- Take your child’s photo and put it in front of you.
- Now recite “Allah hu Akbar” for 100 times.
- After that, you should Recite Durood Shareef 21 times
- Have faith in Allah Tala he will definitely send back your child
Dua To Find Lost Things
Allah will replace what you lost with something better”
With some of our items, we feel a bond like a watch gifted by our parents, or a pendent gifted by our one of friends. If it is lost, we will leave no stone unturned. In such circumstances, we can perform dua to Allah Tala to guide the place wherever it has been missed or will be found.
- Start by wudu and reciting “Bismillah”
- Recite “Allahu Akbar, La Hawla Wa La Quwwata Illa Bikkah; Bismillahi.
- Concentrate on finding the misplaced item while performing the dua, and have faith that Allah will assist you.
- Make dua again and keep looking until the misplaced object is located.
In this article, we have gone through the amazing dua how to call someone at home and how can we find either our lost one or lost thing with the blessing of Allah Tala. The most important aspect of this article are having an abundance believe in the Almighty and constantly performing dua at the fix time .
Now you should not have any problem with this, if you still face any problem then you can call or message me and can ask me for any assistance. I will always there to serve you.