Assalam Waleikumn one and all present out here, I hope you are fine. as I can assume that most women are searching for the dua for a cheating husband. Now –a – days this one is a serious issue, cheating on the wife.
As per the Islamic rules and regulations if you are cheating on your partner means you are knowingly committing a sin that will lead you in a dark phase of life where from return ticket isn’t sanctioned by Allah tala. The husband and wife relationship is the most adorable and pious one where true devotion, love, care, respect, and understanding on the matters work.
Do You Think Your Husband Is Cheating On You?
- Sometimes you feel that your husband is not paying attention to you.
- He is hiding something from you and also keeps busy on the phone all the time.
- He doesn’t behave as he used to.
- He ignores your concerns and suggestions.
- Don’t want to talk with you over any of topics either it is related to family or it is related to your and his career as well.
- Always be irritated to you.
Is cheating on wife haram?
Yeah, cheating on wife is the haram according to the Islamic law. Whenever two individuals tie up in the relationship of marriage, both of them have to take an oath in front of Allah Tala.
They accept to each other, their weakness, strength, nature, backgrounds etc. if someone ditch their wife, Allah punishes him very severely.
In Islamic a man do promise to Allah that he will keep happy his wife and accept her as his mahram along with in future he will take responsibilities of his offspring.
When husband traps in such case he starts to avoid family and the promise that he committed to Allah on the day of marriage.
Not now, but in future he must have to pay with interest of his sins.
“And do not approach zina (adultery). Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.” (Quran 17:32).
Also, recite Dua For Husband To Love His Wife Only.
Due to this dua, thousands of women get rid of this problem and live a healthy life with their husbands. After marriage, everyone wants an honest and real partner with them. A woman needs only love if she doesn’t get it , she feels broken inside. Also recite Powerful Dua For Husband Love.
How To Treat A Cheating Husband
When you come to know all about this situation then don’t be panic and hyper. Most of womans start to argue and fight with their husband this can lead to violence and defame of your family. So here you have to be calm and smart.
- Very kind to him:- This is the very initially step in this circumstance that you should be very kind to him and try to understand the whole concept and reason behind it. He never feels that you are supervising him.
Kindness it the basic virtue in every relationship . it will help both of you to come over this problem.
- Aware him :- being life partner it is your duty to aware him with his mistakes at every phase of this journey. You make him assure that he is going to break covenant that he did on your marriage day to Allah Tala. As the consequence to break it he has to pay off.
- Keep this matter secret:- whatever is happening and what is your husband doing , don’t disclose it with anyone. In islam it is completely prohibited that you will not create any defame of your partner. Give him/her a chance to correct him/herself.
- Offer him path of spirituality:- tell him that he is breaking the promise of Allah. Allah never forgives him if constantly he avoids you and your babies. Always motivate him to perform dua and prayers so that Allah Tala forgives him. There is the greatest power in prayers. Always keep him positive for you.
- Fill his time with happiness and creativities, go somewhere else where he would love to go. Hand out with him. Talk to him and shower your affection as much as you can.
- Ask him to marry to her, if after all he isn’t understanding you and not come to a solution then you can ask him to marry to that lady with whom he is in relationship so that his action is not considered as Haram.
- Ask for divorce if all the above mention points are not working.
You Must Follow These Rules Before Starting This Dua
First, you must have faith in Allah and have patience. You should follow these rules while you do this dua. Also recite Fabulous Surah To Make Husband Love You.
Steps | How to-do |
Step No.1 | First before starting your dua, you should praise Allah after that you say. ‘’alhamdulillah rabbil alamin’’ |
Step No.2 | While praying, your intention should be pure and true. |
Step No.3 | Make sure that your place is neat and clean and also you must wear clean clothes. |
Step No.4 | A woman should not perform this dua while she is in her periods. |
Step No.5 | You must do this dua regularly. |
Benefits of this Dua for cheating husband
- You can get your husband’s love and attention.
- This dua will help you to make a strong bond between you and your husband.
- Reciting this dua makes your true bond and gives you a healthy life.
- Properly doing this dua you will get your husband back within a few days.
Powerful Dua For Cheating Husband
This is the best dua for a cheating husband is
‘’rabbana la tuzigh qulubana ba’da idh hadaytana wahab lana milladunka rahman innka antal wahhab.’’ NOTE:- Also, recite Islamic Wazifa For Husband Love
Here Are The Steps To Do This Dua For cheating Husband
- First, you should do proper wudu.
- After that read Durood Sharif 22 times.
- Take your husband’s photo and recite surah-al-imran.
At the end, you blow on your husband’s photo and pray to Allah swt in your own words. You must follow this dua for 19 days regularly and you will get positive results.
Note:- Also recite Dua For Husband Love And Protection.
This dua is very powerful for cheating husbands. Most of the relationships are broking due to cheating. You always have faith in Allah and start your prayer with rules and dua. All the solutions are mentioned in the Holy Book, the Quran. All things have been followed under Islamic principles.