Assalam Walekum, I hope you are well. Allah Tala grace upon you and your family. Here we are going to discuss the beautiful relationship that is prefixed by Allah Tala, it is the marriage and bond of two souls.
A wife-husband relationship is a close partnership built on love, trust, and mutual respect, where two individuals share their lives, supporting each other through challenges and celebrating successes, requiring open communication and a willingness to compromise; essentially,
It’s a deep bond between two people who are committed to one another. If this relationship isn’t stable then one of us feels mental challenges, sometimes the situation goes beyond someone’s hands, and in that condition, only one hope is left to us, and that is Allah Tala.
To fix your bond you have to pay some dua to get assistance from Allah Tala. Here I will mention Surah for your Husband.
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I will not trap you in my words, I will tell you everything about this dua that is mentioned in the Quran. You should recite Dua For Intimacy Between Husband And Wife.
ADIVA, from the United States, came to me from India who was very upset. She did not tell me anything at first and started crying in front of me. I asked about her hurdles and the reason of being upset. She told me that her husband does not love her, does not talk to her, and stays separately.
I then told her a surah and told her to read this prayer for 3 days. She got the result. She stayed in India for 3 days and she read that prayer. After 3 days, her husband called her and talked to her sweetly. He arranged an emergency flight and came to pick her up. The poll result of this dua is 99%. Also, recite dua for angry husband.
You all should read this article completely. Inshaallah, you will also get the result.
What Are The Benefits Of Surah For Husband Love
Boost | It will help you to boost your bond with your spouse. |
Relationship | As the bond will grow up, automatically understanding between of us start to work as the main component In your conversation. |
Sharing journey | Most of relationships are ruining because of not having an open conversation on the minor or major decisions of families and others, when you both start to share everything it will be good automatically. |
Spending time | When he will ask for spending time with you , no doubt , that will be the most awaited moment. Spending time with one other brings close to you. |
Listening | Always listen to your spouse , listening is the best thing . Always ask to your partner about his/her work , career concern, any issue that he/she is facing. Always be there to solve it . |

“When a man loves his wife, he loves himself.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
What Are The Roles of Husband And Wife According To Islam
According to Islam, this is the purest bond where two individuals take an oath to spend whole life together.
Here the husband is responsible for providing for his wife and children. This includes providing food, clothing, and shelter. He should treat his wife with kindness and love, and avoid violence and anger. He must be patient and understanding always sensible for the sensitive matters.
NOTE:- Husband To Love His Wife Only.
The wife should be patient and respectful to her husband and his family. Give time to listen to all his problems and if it is required then must help him in his business. Bring up the kids with love and affection and teach them about Islam Also recite dua for marriage problem.
NOTE:-. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Husband Love.
4 Important Rules You Should Know Before Reading Surah For Husband Love
Steps | Guide to doing this |
Step No. 1 | The first rule is that your intention should not be wrong, your intentions should be clear. |
Step No. 2 | Whenever you recite Surah or Dua you must be in Wudu (ablution), because if you touch the Quran without Wudu it is haram. |
Step No. 3 | While reciting the Surah your face should be towards Mecca. |
Step No. 4 | You have to recite this surah only 100 times. |

How To Make Your Surah More Effective
Never feel hate for anyone and always be positive about yourself and others by this you can make any of your prayers more effective and one of the most important things, by your believe in Almighty Allah and with your pure heart and intentions. You should recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.
This will help you to be a pure-hearted individual. According to Islam and Quran Allah always help those who have a pure heart. He always says I help those who take steps to help themselves. So try to make out of this line. Also, recite dua to stop divorce.
For any assistance or help hit the WhatsApp icon at any time. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Wife In Islam.
3 Common Mistakes While Reciting Surah to Make Husband Love You
Steps | Common Mistakes |
Step No.2 | Not reciting the dua at the right time. |
Step No.3 | Share your praying and dua manner with everyone before completion of it. |
5 Easy Steps To Perform Surah To Make Husband Love You
This ultimate Surah is one of the best Surahs in the Quran. It’s not just another chapter, but rather it stands out when you read it. Several aspects of this surah make it so unique that we will discuss today is one of them. It’s about how this Surah can help you get your husband’s love and his love back if he’s left you.
- Take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes,
- Then you recite Ya Wadudu 99 times.
- Now recite durood sharif 7 times. ( Durood Shareef means salaatun nabi ).
- And You recite Surah An-Nisa (4:1) for 11 times.
Then Recite dua-: Yaaa aiyuhan naasut taqoo Rabbakumul lazee khalaqakum min nafsinw waahidatinw wa khalaqa minhaa zawjahaa wa bas sa minhumaa rijaalan kaseeranw wa nisaaa’aa; wattaqul laahallazee tasaaa ‘aloona bihee wal arhaam; innal laaha kaana ‘alaikum Raqeeba.
Surah For Husband Love Back
The Quran has preserved some very beautiful and powerful prayers. One of the most interesting of them is this Wazifa; which is both a supplication and a reminder for all Muslim women. You should also recite Islamic Wazifa For Husband Love.
- Take a bath, Perform Wudu, and sit on your prayer mat.
- Start performing Wazifa by saying “Bismillaahir RahmaanirRaheem “
- Now recite Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) 10 times.
- Recite Durood Shareef 7 times.
- Now Pray to Almighty Allah to bless you with his love.
You should recite Dua For cheating husband.
Niyyah To Make Husband Love You
The intentions by which you are performing this Surah. When you perform this Fabulous dua for Husband Love You don’t go anywhere else. keep in mind that you have to be very clear about your husband’s love.
You have love only for your husband and your intentions toward him must be positive, expect the same in your prayer. Almighty Allah says if your mindset is clear and your intentions are clear then only you can make Surah otherwise don’t take steps to do so. That is why your Niyyah must be clear. Inshallah.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Which is such a Surah in the Quran that is about husband and wife?
Different types of Surahs and verses have been mentioned in the Quran. This surah tells you about husband and wife, but Ayat no.34th verse of Surah Nisa describes the duties of a wife towards her husband.
- How can a woman make her husband love her in Islam?
You are a woman and every woman wants her husband to love her if your husband doesn’t love you. you can put this desire in front of your Allah.
- Do you want to know how to boost love for you in your husband’s heart?
First, do Wudu, then recite Surah Yaseen three times, and then pray to Allah to increase love in your husband’s heart.
Last but not least I want to sum up this article by saying that, husband love is essential for every woman. Many women fail to get their husband’s love and feel low and broken.
But after the back-to-back demands of women, today I put this article for my beloved sisters in a proper halal way and this will help all my sisters in getting their husband love and husband love back.
I’m in mother house ..husband leave at mother house after one month .its was about one year 5 months but husband doesnot return…what to do .
You read the dua and talk to Maulana Gulfam Ali on WhatsApp, he will tell you the right way Ameen.
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