As-salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, to all my visitors, present out here. Those who has always kept faith in us and stick to our website with full hope and trust.
Everybody has a dream that she /he will succeed in her/his life one day. Among us, many wants to emigrant to Canada, Australia, the U.S.A., and many more developed countries.
It is a bitter truth that most people leave their hometown in search of the best opportunities for Health, Jobs, Study, and sometimes for a better lifestyle.
Before landing in above mention countries we all need a documental process that is often considered a hectic process and time-consuming. Due to the minor issues in our documents, we can evicted from the process that can hurt us.
For this, we have to spend a lot of money, and after spending a lot of money, if we get a refusal then it must be heartbreaking for us. I am here to talk about Effective Dua For Visa Approval Immediately, which is in a proper halal way. Also, recite istikhara.
If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough Note:- Also, recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
No need to search or wander here and there because QURANI NUSKHE provides you solutions for your problems in a very quick period.
Note:- Also recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
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So I hope you can read the article carefully, till last as the wazifa for different things which I got notice nowadays is given in the last so make sure to read the whole article carefully.
NOTE:- Also, recite Dua For Husband.
Here I am going to share an event when I met to Alisha from India,
she told me that she was preparing for islets and wanted to move to Australia. She passed the examination and started applying for Australia but for some reason, she got a rejection from the Australian government.
She lost hope and worried because she had spent a lot of money on the preparation and in the process of documentation. After listening I suggested she try for U.K Ina medical field with a specific dua. She reattempted the examination and this time she cleared it with high score as compare to previous one, applying for the U.K.
After some days she got an e-mail for the confirmation in surrey university guilford for the admission as well as for the residence allowance.
She informed me that it worked. Here I would like to inform you that I had told her the powerful dua for the passport and VISA . She perfomed that dua with devotion and dedication regularly for the 41 days. Here below I am mentioning the guidance.
Some Guidance Before You Start This Dua
Steps No.1 | The mandatory thing is to have pure intention while performing. |
Steps No.2 | Start Dua after proper wudu because the purity of soul and body is crucial. |
Steps No.3 | Please do not use this Dua for any other Haram thing, as it is against Islam. |
Steps No.4 | Start every dua with “Shahada” (Peace upon prophet Mohammed). |
Steps No.5 | Seat in the direction of the Qibla Sharif. |
Steps No.6 | If you have made any mistake, say “Astaghfirullah” 14 times and start Dua again. |
Steps No.7 | Also, recite Dua For Love Back. |

Benefits of Performing Dua For Visa Approval
- Built faith in Allah tala:- After doing this dua, you will have a lot of faith in your faith and Allah.
- Bless of Allah and prosperity:- After doing this dua, you will get peace and tranquility and it will be very easy for you to get a visa. you will get divine power and blessings from Allah.
- Determination:- after success in all processes you start to determine your dreams.
How To Get Visa Approval Immediately
How To Get Visa Approval Immediately
You have worked hard to get your education, qualifications, and jobs lined up. Now it’s time to finally get your visa approved so that you can leave the country and start living in another country. Also, recite Powerful Islamic Wazifa for Love Back.
But getting a visa isn’t as easy as just putting down an application online or waiting for an automated email reply from a foreign embassy. To ensure that your visa is approved quickly and efficiently, you need to follow certain steps that are mentioned below. Also, recite Dua For Someone Special.
Follow the simple steps which I’m going to tell you in the end and you will be on your way to becoming a citizen of the Philippines within weeks, not months. You don’t have to go it alone; get help from friends, family members, or a loved one who lives across the ocean and ask them to help you with this process. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Husband Love.
The main is to beg help from Almighty Allah in the form of performing Effective Dua For Visa Approval Immediately. So stay tuned as I’m going to give you a powerful and effective dua to get visa approval immediately and every precaution and guideline to perform this dua. Must Read: Powerful Dua To Get a Job.
Procedure To perform Dua For Visa Approval Immediately
- The first step is to wake up early and do “wudu.”
- After that, perform Fazar salah and Darood Sharif 19 times.
- Now recite dua mention below for fast visa approval.
- Bismika rabbee wadaAAtu janbee wabika arfaAAuh, fa-in amsakta nafsee farhamha, wa-in arsaltaha fahfathha bima tahfathu bihi AAibadakas-saliheen.
- Now recite Durood Shareef 7 times again.
- Now pray to Almighty Allah to bless you with a fast visa approval.
- NOTE:- Also recite Powerful Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart.
Note: You have to perform this wazifa for 41 Odd days continuously without skipping any of the days and perform this Dua after Isha namaz for good results. And sisters have to skip performing this dua in their mensurational days (periods). Also, recite Powerful Dua For Wife In Islam.

Precautions While Doing Dua For Visa Approval Immediately
- This dua is only performed by the person who wants his/her visa to be approved immediately.
- Women don’t achieve this dua in their mensurational days (periods)
- Don’t use black magic or shirk, as it is haram in Islam and it will go against the Quran.
- Do not disclose anyone about this because it will not show any effects due to evil eyes.
- Do not think to attain results; do the process with utter faith.
- Be patient and graceful for the other things you have in your life.
- Also recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
Last but not least I want to sum up this article by saying that this, important to know that one of the main reasons that people don’t get their visas in time is they fail to understand the importance of a visa. According to Visa HQ, an individual who wants to travel to another country must first get a visa. Also, recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.
If you want to study in another country or you want to take a job there you will need a visa. A permit is a type of proof that someone has the right to go or stay somewhere. Also recite Dua To Bring Someone Closer To You.
May you like: Powerful Dua For Exam Success.
Ma Sha Allah
May we succeed in immediate Visa approval In Sha Allah.
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