As-salam Alaykum to all present out here. Love this the purest feeling ever we know. It is in various forms like the bond between husband and wife, love between parents and siblings, and the butterfly feeling for the crush and dear and near ones.
Sometimes misfortunately this beautiful emotion suffers a lot beyond our imaginations. There is a dua that will assist you in getting back this affection. Today we are going to talk about the effective and powerful Dua For Love Back which is brought by your brother in a proper halal way.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”
No need to search or wander here and there because QURANI NUSKHE provides you with solutions for your problems in rapid succession. So read the article carefully and make sure to don’t skip any step.
Are you in search of a dua for love love-back solution? If yes then you are at the right place. Problems related to love life are normal in today’s scenario. Also, recite Dua for call me now.
For further queries, you can contact us on our no:-
REMINDER FOR YOU:- Nowadays having trust issues and making comparisons are killing a beautiful relationship, the most crucial thing is that if you want an everlasting relationship with someone you should keep patience and respect for your partner; doesn’t matter how the situation is the worse.
Because this dua is taken from the Quran and a true Muslim believes only in Allah and the Quran.
NOTE:- You should also recite Effective Dua To Make Someone Love You.
The important thing is how much faith you have in Allah, if you perform with devotion and constantly no doubt you will get boons in a shorter time.
Event:- On 23 December 2023, I got a call from a sister, she was going through the worst time, Because her boyfriend had promised to marry but later he refused. Although they had been built art of love many times. As we know this is haram in Islam.
NOTE:- Also recite Dua For Love Marriage For True Love.
Sister told me that they had been in a relationship for 5 years but when she asked for marriage he broke up with her. Please tell me a dua so that he comes to me apologize for his mistake and is ready to marry me.
I told her some important things and duas and said that you have to read this dua every day and try to start from Friday and if you do this during Tahajjud then you will get the result very soon.
Sister did the same and got the result in 3 days. She came to me 2-4 times a year because now she considers me her father. After all, I supported her in her bad times.
I would feel glad whenever someone gets a blessing from Allah Tala due to our little efforts. Important things and duas are mentioned below, please read this article completely.
Recommendation 4 Steps Before You Start Dua For Love Back
Steps No.1 | Your intention should be obvious. |
Steps No.2 | You should know whether the person you are praying for is right for you. If you don’t know, ask Allah Tala to suggest you the right way. |
Steps No.3 | Try to start this prayer on Friday. You can start this prayer any day, but read it on Friday for a good result. |
Steps No.4 | While praying, your face should be towards the Qiblah. |

Benefits of Performing Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life
- After doing this prayer, you will get your love back.
- This will make you believe in Allah.
- The love between you and your lover will boost.
- By the grace of Allah Tala, you will be married soon.

Can Allah Bring My Lover Back Into My Life If I Read A Specific Dua?
Yes, Allah can bring your partner back into your life. You should have faith in Allah. If you read this prayer, then your love will come back to you soon.
NOTE :- Also, recite the Powerful Dua for Husband Love.
Your heart should be innocence. You are asking about getting your love back. If you read it correctly, then your relationship will never break again. You should also recite the dua for your husband’s love.
I will share the Pros & Cons
Pros | Cons |
This prayer will change your life. | But do not misuse it otherwise you may get into trouble. |
Use it at the right time and at the right time. | Do not take any step without recommendations. |
Most Powerful Dua For Love Back
If you want a very powerful dua for love back, then I will tell you that when you pray, no one should know about it. If you tell anyone, then this dua will not be able to give such results.
For this, you will have to read Surah Al Imran 31 for 21 days. This dua will provide you with quick results, and it is the most powerful dua for love back.
Qurani Dua For Reunite
Are you looking for a Quranic dua to reunite? Remember, if you are reciting this dua to get your love back, you should have only one intention: that your love should come to you in a halal way.
Recite Surah Al-Imran (3:31) in front of Allah for three days. You will get the result on the third night.
Through the halal way, you must get positive results as most of my readers have received. I hope Allah Tala blesses you with the love, prosperity , consciousness and respect. That’s why this dua is called the Islamic dua for soul mates in Islam.
Why does Perform Dua For Love Back?
A life partner is important because he/she provides emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging, and can significantly improve overall well-being by sharing life’s joys and challenges, acting as a self-reliant, and offering stability through their presence, especially during difficult times; adding the fulfilled experiences of life.
Do not leave the dua in between. If you commit any mistake then ask for forgiveness from Allah and read the 99 names of him for 101 times.
NOTE:- you should also recite surah for love back.
Surah Al Imran 31 This is the only dua that can bring your love back. There is no other dua apart from this. You can also check it in the Quran.
Instructions for Powerful Dua to Get back Your Love within 3 Days
Step No. 1 | If you want a good result, Perform All Dua after listening to the Adhan. |
Step No.2 | Before Beginning this Dua, Sip the Water of Zamzam. |
Step No.3 | Sit in the direction of Qibla while performing this dua. |
Step No.4 | Perform this Dua in the proper Islamic Halal way. |
Step No.5 | Now read this dua mentioned below. |
Step No.6 | Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem. |
Step No.7 | if you make a mistake while performing this dua, you recite” 99 Allah names ” x 1000 Times. |
Step No.8 | Have Full Faith in Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) While performing this Dua. |
Step No.9 | These Steps are the best way to ask Allah to reunite you with your partner or love. |
Precautions To Follow While Performing Dua For Reuniting
- first, you have to do wudu.
- Wear clean clothes.
- Sit in a silent place alone, where no one can disturb you.
- Your intentions must be pure towards your love. No bad intention, to get fruitful results.
- As we all know ALLAH is our Father and he will bless us for sure.
- Sisters (skip in menstruation).
- In the end, You pray to Allah for his blissful blessings.
- Note:- you can recite it and get back someone Your love.
Drawbacks Of Wrong Reciting
Every dua and wazifa has its procedure. we have to follow that procedure for positive results. The right way leads to the blissful destination
v Remedies of Relationship Problem?
If You are searching for a dua that solves your relationship problem then this above-mentioned dua is going to be very much beneficial and effective for you. So no need to wander in search of such a dua.
As your brother bring this dua from the holy book QURAN. So this helps you the most. so perform this dua regularly without skipping any day.
NOTE:- You also recite dua for someone special.If you want to know more about let us catch on our official site:-
When Will Dua Not Be Effective
Mistake No. 1 | Your intentions may be wrong. |
Mistake No. 2 | Not using the dua properly |
Mistake No. 3 | Not following the rules mentioned |
Mistake No. 4 | Not reading the dua at the right time. |
Mistake No. 5 | Sharing your thoughts with everyone. |
What Is Dua For Love Back Someone
What is Dua for love? The above-mentioned dua is the best dua for love back according to Quran. so if you are seeking a dua or wazifa for love back then this dua is going to be the best dua for you.
This will help you to gain extreme love from your ex or from your partner. This dua will solve all your love problems.
If you want to know more about let us catch on our official site:–
Note:- You also recite wazifa for love marriage.
Through this love back duas you can make someone madly love you. This dua is best in the case of love back so no need to be worried and to search for more and more dua’s. Because as you search more you will get confused. So believe in your brother and stick with this dua to get your love back.
Dua For Love Back-Get Love Back In 3 Days
First of all, you tell me; do you want your love back really? If yes then love is the special feeling that ever happened to one’s life. It is not a matter of time. so perform this dua if you want your love back and this dua will bless you with your love for sure in quick succession Inshallah.
Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life
Is there any Islamic dua to get my ex-love back? Yes, in the Quran there is a powerful and effective Islamic dua to get your ex-love back. If any of my brothers and sisters lost someone, then they can recite this powerful dua.
NOTE:- Also, recite Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart.
Through this effective dua, many of my sisters get their husbands back after the divorce. This dua in Islam helps you to get your lost love back within 3 days.
5 Steps To Perform Dua For Getting The Person You Love
- Take a shower perform wudu and Wear clean clothes,
- Read Durood Sharif 11 times,
- You have to read Surah Al Imran Times,111
- Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem.
- In the end, pray to Allah to get your love back in your life.
If you read this dua with these steps, then you can get proper blessings from Allah. In Islam it is not wrong to make dua for someone to love you back.
Last but not least I want to sum up this article by saying that DUA FOR LOVE BACK is especially for those who are seeking a powerful and effective dua for their partner who left them. Either someone’s Girlfriend/Boyfriend or husband/wife this dua is driven from the holy book QURAN so it will assist you to get your love back.
But the thing you have to do is read the article carefully don’t skip any of its steps and do it regularly as mentioned above in the article with full believe in almighty ALLAH and with pure soul to get fruitful results in quick succession INSHALLAH.
If you want to know more about dua’s then stay updated with our website-