Dua To Save From Hell Fire

Dua To Save From Hell Fire


Assalamu Alaykum to all my dear brothers and sisters, today we are going to discuss about very powerful, which will help you to gain mercy, guidance, protection, and attention of the Almighty Allah.

If you do this dua continuously, then you will strengthen your bond with Allah save yourself from hellfire, and take entrance into Jannah(Paradise).

Do this practice daily and ensure your Path to Paradise with the help of the support, guidance, mercy, and care of the Almighty Allah. It will help you to lead a successful path in real-time and make good proposals for your afterlife. Also, recite Dua To Save Your Marriage From Divorce.

Recommendation To Perform Dua To Save From Hell Fire

  • you should be regular and consistent in performing this Dua to get the best result out of it.
  • Perform the Dua with sincerity and serenity to get the mercy and guidance of Allah.
  • You should perform it on the day of Arafah and after the obligatory prayers will make it more powerful.
  • You should recite this Dua with full belief and commitment so that you will be able to channelise your desire to seek paradise.

Benefits Of Reading This Dua

  • you will get protection from the hellfire and get so many support from Allah to avoid such acts in your life.
  • It will strengthen your faith in the miraculous powers of the Almighty Allah and Make good things happen to you.
  • It provide a merciful, hope, and a proper guide and direction to a right path. This will protect you from the hellfire.
  • It will encourage you to live a righteous life in the hope of attaining Jannah and stay away from sins to get protection from hellfire.

Dua To Save From Hell Fire

Rabbanā innaka man tudkhil in-nāra faqad akhzaytah, wamā liẓẓālimīna min ansār.

This powerful prayer indicates the miraculous powers of Allah and his direction towards the right path, which an individual gets in his life with good acts. If you stay positive and do good things in your life, then Allah will save you from hellfire and shower care, blessings, and mercy on you. You also recite Dua For Husband Love And Protection.

You can also read this powerful Surah Al-Imran (3:192) to save from hellfire.

Dua For Jannah

Rabbana wa atina ma wa-adtana ‘ala rusulika wala tukhzina yawma al-qiyamati innaka la tukhliful mi’aad.

If you want to go to Paradise and stay away from the fear of hellfire then through this Dua, Allah promises you to go paradise and live a peaceful afterlife there. Read this continuously and consistently so that you will get good direction and stay connected to positive things which will lead you to the path of Jannah. Also recite Effective Dua For Love Back.

You can also read this Surah Al-Imran (3:194) to go to Jannah.

How to Use This Dua

  • It would help if you reflected upon the meaning so that you can understand it in a deep way and practice on its significant effects.
  • When you do it with all your sincerity and focus, you will get Allah’s protection and guidance spiritually.
  • The consistency of this prayer will make it more strong, so you need to be continuous in your daily routine.
  • Recite this dua in the recommended times such as after Salah(prayer) and then do your daily important work.

Steps To Perform The Method

  • You can begin the prayer by taking the name of Allah.
  • After this, you can read durood sharif 86 times.
  • Now you can raise your hands and close your eyes.
  • After this, read Surah-Al-Imran verse 3:192 to save from hellfire.
  • After this, blow in the air and eat a sweet dish.


Making this Dua is a very powerful and vital act, which you can do in the name of Allah by worshipping him daily. It will help you to make strong belief and get protection, mercy, and guidance from Allah. Also recite Powerful Dua To Remove Jinn/Evil From Body.

This kind of Dua for the salvation from the hellfire is so effective and it will help you to get good direction for Jannah in a very short period. You will get a real-time success. If you perform it in your daily routine and ask Allah’s guidance for Paradise. Do not forget to stay positive and perform Good acts to get the proper support of the Almighty Allah.

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