As-salam Alaykum to All my brothers and sisters, present out here. Today we are going to talk about effective and powerful dua to get your ex-love back which is brought by your brother in a proper halal way.
If you have come to read this Dua for Ex Love Back then you need to know the Dua, if you do not understand the Dua then this Dua is of no use to you.
A few days ago a survey was done and it was found out how many people believe in dua, then people said that 90% of people believe in prayers, and we asked those 10% people why you do not believe in prayers, then they told that we read the prayers but we did not get any result, then I asked them tell me what is the problem in your life, I will tell you a prayer and your problem will be solved, so one of those interesting problems was this.
A sister named Hajifa said that she wants to get her ex-boyfriend back because she told me some prayers, I told Hajifa the dua and told her that if you do this prayer correctly then you would get the result of your prayer soon she would get the result after 3 days.
And I will share with you the same prayer that I did with Hajifa, so read this article completely.
Verily with hardship comes ease.” (Qur’an, 94:5).
Guidance Before Performing Dua To Get Your Ex Love Back
Step No.1 | If you are going to start any Islamic ritual, do it with full purity of mind and body, so perform (Wuzu). |
Step No.2 | Sit on a clean mat and in a peaceful place where no one can disturb you, facing the direction of the Qibla. |
Step No.3 | Imagine the desired person you wish to reunite with your heart. |
Step No.4 | keep faith in the Almighty before doing dua; you should not have fear in your heart because it may seem like you don’t deserve it. |
Step No.5 | Increase your dua when you are in the position of Sujud. |
Step No.6 | Keep the holy Quran Sharif and water of Zamzam near you for a positive environment. |
Precautions To Follow Before Performing Dua To Get Your Ex Back
Always precaution is better than cure. precaution guide us on the right path, so read the following steps carefully to avoid mistakes.
- This Dua is purest, so do not reveal it to anyone if you are doing this because of evil eyes.
- Please don’t use this dua with black magic or shirk, as it will not give you fruitful results, and it is haram in Islam.
- keep in mind you should not keep any evil intentions while performing this dua.
- By chance, if you made any mistake, then recite Astaghfirullah x 19 times.
- You recite Surah Al-Hashr (59:21): 11 times.

What Is Dua To Get Your Ex Love Back
Prayer is the way by which we get connected to Almighty Allah in the form of ibadat, dua, wazifa, etc. By which we can get in touch with Almighty Allah. Or we can say we beg Almighty Allah for his blessings and to solve our problems. This is all about prayer.
Sharing With You 5 Years of facts, So you Will Know How Important Dua

Which Powerful Dua Is To Get Love Back
I am going to tell you the most effective and quick result dua. If any person recites this dua once he feels like it, he will not need to look anywhere else, but it has to be done in the same way as I have told you if you do not want to do it that way. If you do, it can cause harm to you.
5 quranic Steps To Perform To Get Your Ex Love Back
If any of my brothers or sisters are searching for Islamic prayer to get their love back, so this prayer is going to be a life-changing prayer for them. This prayer will work beyond their expectations for sure. so read the below-mentioned prayer carefully and with full believe and with pure soul.
Some of the Guidance Before Performing This Prayer
- First You do Wudu, make a fresh ablution.
- Sit in an alone place where no one can disturb you.
- Recite Durood Shareef 22 times
- Now Recite Surah Al-‘Imran (3:31): 11 times.
- Recite dua Qul in kuntum tuhibboonal laaha fattabi’ oonee yuhbibkumul laahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum; wallaahu Ghafoorur Raheem.
I Have Mentioned 2 Prayers In This Article And Compared Them
Both these prayers are powerful but they have different uses. If you want to strengthen your love then use both these prayers.
Surah | Maqsad |
Surah Al-‘Imran (3:31) | First You do Wudu, make a fresh ablution. |
Surah Al-Hashr (59:21) | So do not reveal it to anyone if you are doing this because of evil eyes. |
Sources | IslamicFinder,IslamQA, |
Recite Effective Dua To Get Your Ex-Lover Back
Today’s topic is a prayer to get your lover back. First of all, welcome my dear brothers and sisters to your website Qurani Nuskhe.
Today your brother is going to give you a beautiful prayer to get so. But before knowing about this prayer I have to make you know about many things. so read this whole article carefully and till the end to get fruitful results.
According to me, love is the pure feeling that one feels for their partner. He/she feels immense happiness with their love. so it is understood how they feel if their partner leaves them. This situation hurts the most. So that’s why today your brother is going to give you a special prayer to get rid of this situation.
You have to follow all the guidelines and precautions while performing this prayer. And make you believe in Almighty Allah strong and remove all the negativity when you are going to perform this prayer.
This prayer helps you in getting extreme love from your partner and makes him/her fulfill your desires. This prayer is going to be best for you if you are searching for the solution of love back. so no need to wander here and there and get frustrated about this problem.
I want to sum up this article by saying one thing to all my brothers and sisters this prayer is going to be best for you in getting your ex-love back. Do this prayer with a pure heart and fully believe in Almighty Allah. Follow every step, and guidance while doing this prayer. Do it in a proper halal way. And you will get results for sure. inshallah.
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