Assalam walekum to all my brothers and sisters, I hope you all are well, today I am going to share with you a prayer to forget someone you love. Do you need a prayer to forget someone? If so, then you have come to the right place. The prayer will be told to you and given from the Quran.
I’m here to help you how can you forget someone you love? I think it is the most important thing in life to let it go but it’s not an easy task for everyone. Also recite Dua For Someone To Come Back To You
People don’t know how to deal with their thoughts and feelings. Dua is the best remedy for you to forget someone’s love. Allah is the only one who can show us the right path. Also, recite Effective Dua For Love Back.
Follow Some Rules Before Starting This Dua
Step No.1 | Never start your prayer with negative thoughts because prayer is the best thing. |
Step No.2 | It would be best to not tell everyone about your remedies until you don’t get your results. |
Step No.3 | Women should not start this dua during their periods. |
Step No.4 | Ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy for your daily sins which you have done without intentions. |
Step No.5 | You should follow this dua regularly and don’t skip it till your outcomes are not on your side. |

Benefits Of Performing Dua To Forget Someone You Love
- After doing this dua you will get peace of mind.
- After doing this dua you will get freedom from negative thoughts.
- After this, you will develop self-confidence.
- You will get strength by doing dua.
- You will get closer to Allah.
I will share the pros and cons of forgetting someone you love
Pros | Cons |
Recite the dua daily. | But it would help if you did not tell anyone about this dua. |
Girls can start dua anytime. | But do not read this during periods. |
Your intention must be halal. | There should not be any haram intention. |
Dua To Forget Someone You Love
- First of all, you must recite.
- After that, you should read ‘’ AL-MUQADDIM AL-BAATIN’’ FOR 101 TIMES.
- Then recite ‘’rabbi hablii hukman wa alhiquni bis saalihinn for 544 times.
- Finally, you must pray to Allah to forget someone you love.
You should perform this dua for 21 days after that you will get your desired results and feel that your wounds are healing. You should also recite Powerful Dua To Save Your Marriage From Divorce.
People Ask Many Times How To Make Someone Forget Your Secrets.
- Firstly, you do something kind because if feelings are hurt, doing something extra nice can benefit you.
- Remove your reminders.
- Bring up a pleasant memory.
- Give them time and try to move on.
- You should also recite the Powerful Dua For Love And Attraction.
Dua To Forget Bad Thoughts
Everyone has bad thoughts in their mind. Sometimes people are frustrated and angry. Evil thoughts can also damage our thinking power. I always pray to Allah that I can easily remove my evil thoughts or try to be busy with other work. It would help if you also recited Impressive Dua To Make Relationships Stronger.
‘’Rabbi a’oo-thu bika min ha-ma zaa-tish shayaa-teen. Wa a’oo-thu bika rabbi an yah-dhu-room’’
It would help to read this dua whenever you have evil thoughts and focus on your positive thoughts. This will help you maintain your life. Also, recite the dua to Stop Family Fights.
Dua To Stop Thinking About Someone
If you are facing problems in your relationship then there is no need to worry about it because this dua will give you the right direction to stop thinking about someone. This article is also about how can you overcome fear, depression, and stress. You should also recite Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.
Islamic prayers are a form of meditation that helps you to stabilize your mind. You must have trust on Allah. Also, recite Wazifa For Love Marriage In Islam.
Step By Step Dua To Stop Thinking About Someone
- The first step is to perform ablution.
- After that, you should recite Ayatul Kursi 9 times.
- Then recite Surah Baqarah Ayat 221 times.
- At the end raise your hand and ask Allah to ease your pain and make to stop thinking about that person.
You must do this dua regularly without skipping a day. You will see positive results within one week. By practicing this dua to stop thinking about someone you can fade your memories from the other person’s thoughts and with time you will notice that you have moved on from your relationship and bad thoughts. Also, recite Dua To Bring Someone Closer To You.
I have told you everything in this article, I have told you step by step, and you are going to get the result very soon with this dua, if you have any issues with this article then you can tell me by commenting or by mail. Also, recite Powerful Dua to Change Someone’s Mind and Heart.