As-salam Alaykum, to all my sisters, If you want Dua To Make Him Call Me now and think about you then ‘here is Dua that will enable your beloved to call you back and think about you ‘ in today’s article we will tell you the proper halal method.
First of all, you have to know how prayer can benefit you and how it will give results, how many days it will work, what are its benefits, Also recite Powerful Dua For Husband To Love His Wife Only.
But before that, if you believe in Allah and prayer then only this prayer will work for you, if you do not believe then leave this prayer here. Also recite Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer.
On 24 June 2024 I got a call from a sister, she told me that I was talking to a friend during my sollge days and it has been 6 years since we talked, he also works and I also work, both our families knew everything but what happened suddenly that he blocked me and refused for marriage and now there is a lot of distance between us. Give me such a prayer that everything becomes as before.
I told the sister the prayer and also told her some important things and said that this prayer has to be done for 3 days and if you follow them then you will get the result in 3 days only, The sister also did the same and she got the result in 3 days only.
I will share with you the same prayer and steps that I did with the sister, so read this article completely. Also, recite Powerful Dua For Husband Love.
Recommendation Before You Start Dua To Make Him Think Of Me
Step No.1 | Your intentions should be clear, your intentions should be true, and your purpose should be halal. |
Step No.2 | Choose the right time of prayer so that your prayer gets answered quickly, like on the night of Jumma. |
Step No.3 | When making dua your face should be towards the qibla. |
Step No.4 | You should have faith in Allah and prayer so that your prayer gets answered soon. |
Step No.5 | After praying and standing on your prayer mat, raise both your hands. |

Some Guidance And Precautions To Make Him Call Me Now
- Make a fresh ablution.(wuzu)
- Before starting this dua to get accepted soon, Perform “Durood-e-Pak“ for 9 times and chant beautiful Allah’s name.
- Recite the Dua mentioned below for 266 times.
- (Surah Ash-Sharh).
- Again, repeat the “Durood-e-Pak,” and with complete faith, beg Allah (SWT)
- To bless you with your desire to get call by him and think of you.
- Recite Salallahu Alayhi Wassalam 5 times (Blessing On Messenger)
- Chant for your sins by saying Astaghfirullah 3 times.
Note: Follow this process for 3 odd days continuously to get fruitful outcomes from this dua. If you want results in very quick succession then contact our Maulana Gulfaam Ali by hitting the WhatsApp icon.
What Is Love Between Husband And Wife
When a woman loves, she sacrifices everything. Nothing matters more to her than the happiness of her husband. She does everything to make her husband happy. But it is often seen that even after so many efforts, there are fights between husband and wife. Due to these fights both stop talking to each other. Also recite Dua For Husband.
Silence comes between the two lovers, if it lasts for a long time, it can ruin the relationship, in such a situation, one should leave their stubbornness and start talking back to their beloved to save the relationship. Also recite Fabulous Surah To Make Husband Love You.
If your husband is stubborn, he is still not agreeing and you want him to convince you himself, then this method will prove to be miraculous for you. Adopt this method by remembering Allah in your mind and you will get good results with the help of Fantastic Dua To Make Him Call Me now
Dua To Make Him Call Me Know And Think Of Me
If you’re looking for something that can help you make someone think of you and call you, then a powerful Dua may be the answer to your prayers. Also, recite Dua For Intimacy Between Husband And Wife.
Dua is a form of Islamic prayer, and it is believed that if you ask Allah (SWT) for something sincerely and humbly, then He will answer your prayers. Dua can be used for many different purposes, from asking for prosperity to seeking protection from evil. You also recite Dua For Wife (Effective And Halal).
In this article, we will discuss a powerful dua to make him call you now and think of you, as well as some tips on how to perform it correctly. With the right amount of faith and dedication, you can cast this dua and get the desired results.
So, read on and learn more about this powerful dua to make him call you now and think of you. Must continue with full article Fantastic Dua To Make Him Call Me now
Dua And Procedure For The Above Mentioned Dua
- Make a fresh ablution.(wuzu)
- Before starting this dua to get accepted soon, Perform “Durood-e-Pak“ for 9 times and chant beautiful Allah’s name.
- Recite the Dua mentioned below for 266 times.
- (Surah Ash-Sharh).
- Again, repeat the “Durood-e-Pak,” and with complete faith, beg Allah (SWT)
- To bless you with your desire to get call by him and think of you.
- Recite Salallahu Alayhi Wassalam 5 times (Blessing On Messenger)
- Chant for your sins by saying Astaghfirullah 3 times.
Note: Follow this process for 3 odd days continuously to get fruitful outcomes from this dua. If you want results in very quick succession then contact our Maulana Gulfaam Ali by hitting the WhatsApp icon.
Niyyah To Make Him Call Me And Think Of Me
The intentions by which you are performing this Dua, When you perform this Dua to make your husband or boyfriend call you and think of you, and don’t go anywhere else. You should also recite Fabulous Surah To Make Husband Love You.
So keep in mind that you have to be very clear about your husband’s love. You are not supposed to feel for any other guy. You have love only for your husband and your intentions towards him must be positive. And expect the same in your prayer.
Almighty Allah says if your mindset is clear and your intentions are clear then only you make this Dua otherwise don’t take steps to do so.
So your Niyyah must be clear. Inshallah. And if your Niyah is to for someone you love then must read the article Istikhara For Someone You Love
To conclude the article Fantastic Dua To Make Him Call Me Now If you want your lover to start using love-talk with you, then you need to first use love-talk naturally.
This will help him to open up and become comfortable with you. To drive the point home and make him realize the importance of talking to you in the right way, that too at the right time, you can use the powerful Dua in this article to make him think of you.